would you marry a chick that refuses to take your last name?


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
would you marry a chick that refuses to take your last name?

or she wants to hyphenate the last name so its (your last name) (-) (her last name) or vice versa

yall down for it or nah?

I ask cause it seems like this is becoming more common, which I think is whack.
Yes. If I were to get married, I wouldn't care.

No last name, hyphen, her last name, w/e.

Children getting my last name though.
I made a thread ab this a while ago, forgot how it went. I really don't care honestly, it might bother me slightly but just because it's different. He reason for keeping it is probably stronger than my reason for her to change it.
broad gotta have a good effin reason..ish reminds me of when screech said he's taking Lisa Turtle's last name & be da Turtles... :smh:
Couldn't care less. My last name doesn't really roll off the tongue for a lot of womens' names. If her maiden name sounds better than her taking on my last name I'm all for her keeping it.

Kids should at least be hyphenated, though.
Or if you can meet a girl with the same last name. Just hope you don't come to find out ya'll related or something.
Does anyone actually know why we do this and where this practice came from in the first place?

in terms of the wife taking the husband's last name its most cultural, some can be religious.

the kid taking the father's last name is different though from what I learned during my psychology days in college..

men by nature want to carry on their blood.. and be certain that their kid is theirs...
a mom already know that the kid is hers because it came out her body... if the kid takes the mother's last name, the father feels like the kid isnt his.
studies shows that fathers invest more time into kids who carry their last name compared to kids who carry the mother's name.

also, it would be suspicious as to why the kid has everything from his/her mom but nothing from the pops
Yes I would, that is not high on my list of concerns. It's very rare for women in my part of the world to so that anyways (Middle East)
Two reasons I’ve seen for keeping the last name that I wasn’t mad at were:

1) Wife was a well established doctor and it would be a pain in the *** to change all the paperwork and patients already knew her by her maiden name
2) Dad didn’t have any sons so she wanted to hyphenate her last name to keep his family name going

I just realized my girl’s dad only had daughters. She hasn’t mentioned keeping her last name. I wouldn’t have a huge issue but yea the kids will have my name.
My wife's dad has no sons...so, when we got married, she took my last name but made her maiden name her middle name. Even if she decided to keep her maiden name, it wouldn't have been a big deal.

Maybe NT has progressed some...

saw this :rofl:

minus the slapping/faithful part :smh:, dude has a point.

Originally Posted by cocolicious

What's the big deal with tradition? Just because something was done a certain way for many years means it has to stay that way forever?

Tradition wouldn't be a big deal if women weren't selective about when it's ok to break it.

If a woman doesn't want to take a man's last name, that's cool with me, just don't expect the following traditions
-a ring
-a wedding
-me to be faithful
-me to not slap the *%+% outta ya when you get disrespectful
No big deal, people out here on some Tywin Lannister legacy ****. Please

I was just about to mention something like this. Always hear dudes that are doing nothing or have achieved nothing in life talking about "I need to pass down my legacy to my heirs" :lol: Not saying that everyone in here is like that, but the dudes most vocal and violent about it usually are.
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