would you marry a chick that refuses to take your last name?

I agree.
If yall love each other. You can do that without getting married.
If yall wanna spend the rest of your life together. You can do that without getting married.
If y'all wanna be each other partner and best friend. Y'all can do that without getting married.

Srsly.. What are your motivations for getting married? If it's not based around having a traditional family, then I don't know what the point is. A family is supposed to have a name.What are yall even hustlin for? Y'all the same dudes in here calling other men daddy from 9 to 5pm. Boss havin *** dudes... Does your son even have cookies?
This is saying a whole lot of nothing :lol:

One line addressing the name part.

If a couple wants to get married and keep their own last names why is it bothering you so much?

Maybe they want to combine funds and work towards something more together.

Then there's the whole part where they may just be in love and want to be married.

The last name aint a stipulation but clearly a lot of y'all are hung up on that.

I don't know about giving my kids a hyphenated name. Just cause I think hyphenated names kind of look lame. And plus what's going to happen in the next generation? Hyphens on hyphens..might as well just make a choice then and there.
Let them worry about the hyphens when they're old enough.

They might **** around and change their entire name altogether.
I don't know about giving my kids a hyphenated name. Just cause I think hyphenated names kind of look lame. And plus what's going to happen in the next generation? Hyphens on hyphens..might as well just make a choice then and there.
paternal name gets passed down although the maternal last name could also be transferred. anyway you maintain 2 last names across generations. but I guess not everyone does this.
Here's my thread on the same topic from 2 years ago

This reminds me of a dude I worked with a long time ago. He said he doesn't wear jerseys bc he doesn't like having another man's name across his back. Kinda extreme but I get where he's coming from.
I'm sure there are cars out there that feel some type of way when his wife is rocking another man's name on her back.
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whatever she prefers is fine with me.

Drake ******

Whoa whoa whoa leave the goat drake out of this

Wife and I got married when she was in her second year of law school. Had it been her second year of practice, I would have been cool with her keeping her maiden name professionally and changing her name legally.

That sounds really misogynistic, but it’s just one of those that I feel strongly about for no valid reason. Seems like if you’re on the same team (family) y’all should be wearing the same uniform. Plus my last name is pretty cool, and hers was already hyphenated.
This is saying a whole lot of nothing :lol:

One line addressing the name part.

If a couple wants to get married and keep their own last names why is it bothering you so much?

Maybe they want to combine funds and work towards something more together.

Then there's the whole part where they may just be in love and want to be married.

The last name aint a stipulation but clearly a lot of y'all are hung up on that.

Again, you dont have to be married to combine funds. to say they just want to be married because they're in love is super naive. Most women won't even entertain a relationship if you make it absolutely clear that you never want to get married. Its wired into them at this point, they could care less if you want to or not going into things. Allowing them to keep their own name is just furthering that entitlement and selfishness.
Here's my thread on the same topic from 2 years ago

This reminds me of a dude I worked with a long time ago. He said he doesn't wear jerseys bc he doesn't like having another man's name across his back. Kinda extreme but I get where he's coming from.
I'm sure there are cars out there that feel some type of way when his wife is rocking another man's name on her back.

Lmao the insecurity...
Wife didnt take my last name and i dont care. The kids have my last name and we used her maiden name as the middle name in both my girls so when we travel and the agents look at their passports it makes sense to them.
I’m the only one in my fam with my last name. So yes I would care if she chose not to. This is my legacy. This is my army!
As much as i love my last name and first name. I dont think i could see myself keeping it if i ever got married. Mainly because hyphenating is a pain in the ***. and my name is long enough as it is without adding another name to it.
The same process to hyphenate is the same as changing your lsst name.

yea but it seems like pain as far as getting a new license. With a hyphenated name your name is extra long. I knew a girl once who had such a long name her name didnt fit on the drivers license lol. If i got married today i dont think my first , middle, current last name and husbands last name would fit
yea but it seems like pain as far as getting a new license. With a hyphenated name your name is extra long. I knew a girl once who had such a long name her name didnt fit on the drivers license lol. If i got married today i dont think my first , middle, current last name and husbands last name would fit
Not really that much of a pain.
I had a former manager whom I thought was Hispanic the whole time. Turns out he’s middle eastern.

The story is,

When he was in college, he fell for one of those online scams where he thought he was going to win a ton of money if he paid a small amount. Well post 9/11 he went and bought a plane ticket and he somehow ended up on a no fly list.

When he got married he ended up taking his wife’s last name instead.

I don’t know if that solved all his problems but I know he always drives when traveling.
Here's my thread on the same topic from 2 years ago

This reminds me of a dude I worked with a long time ago. He said he doesn't wear jerseys bc he doesn't like having another man's name across his back. Kinda extreme but I get where he's coming from.
I'm sure there are cars out there that feel some type of way when his wife is rocking another man's name on her back.

A co-worker told me this at my first job, didn't really understand or thought it was that serious till I processed it for a bit. Still didn't agree but I understood where he was coming from. As far the topic at hand I would like for her to have my last name. Not giving some historical or well thought reason, I just want her to have my last name. I wouldn't trip unless her sole reason was because she was going against tradition. Cause in that case I would use that same logic towards getting married altogether, we can start a family and everything that comes with it without getting married. I'm not entirely opposed to forgoing that to be honest
I would prefer her to have my last name yet not a dealbreaker, ultimately it's more important for me that my children have my last name. If that was a problem, she can hit the road.
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