would you marry a chick that refuses to take your last name?

Here's my thread on the same topic from 2 years ago

This reminds me of a dude I worked with a long time ago. He said he doesn't wear jerseys bc he doesn't like having another man's name across his back. Kinda extreme but I get where he's coming from.
I'm sure there are cars out there that feel some type of way when his wife is rocking another man's name on her back.
Reason I've never rocked player jerseys with their names on them. Even as a kid didn't want it. Always wanted my name on my back.
In my experience with married women and fiance's of friends etc... these chicks really wanted their last names to change to their husbands. like they almost feel privileged to have that new last name. Or even just to make the marriage "official". I can see how this would make a man feel good/ flattered because if somebody i consider wifey material actual WANTS my last name...i just might give it to her....... with ring and some kids along with that ....idk
I never understood why women wouldn't want to take their husband'sast name. If we adhere to all the other traditions, one knee proposal, engagement ring, getting the families blessing etc. why not follow all the way through? It's a power thing, and I believe their is a correlation between not taking the husband's last name and the divorce rate.

Yep. Don't really care about a last name. I would prefer her to take my last name because I'm the last of my name, but if not oh well.
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