Would you say most men cheat on their wives?

These threads can be a trap...but I've honestly never cheated on my wife. I just couldn't hurt her and she's been through too much, I hold a great amount of responsibility for her future mental well-being as her husband.

However, there are signs that she'll bring in another woman or let me sleep around eventually, which is what all men should strive for if that's what they need (not judging, I realize not all situations are ideal).

When we fight, she tells me to go to other women, or if she doesn't feel like sex she'll try to have "serious" conversations about how I need a clean woman on the side. At the same time, jealousy is her biggest weakness and I know that she's just testing me for now.

We also talked a lot about bringing in another woman, but she's very picky. She also doesn't like the idea of seeing me **** another woman. I believe it actually turns her on, but trust issues from prior relationships make her conflicted. She even likes to put on lesbian porn a couple times a week while we ****, she won't pay attention to it but makes sure I watch because it turns her on.

I feel like over the next couple years it is only a matter of time before she is cool with it, I just need to be patient.

Anyone else have experience/success with a situation like mine?

I have buddies who have this type of relationship.

It doesnt seem that desirable to me because it seems loaded with jealous. The men can never pick the women, the guys can never act like they enjoy the other woman too much and then it seems like the wifey uses the other woman against you.
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But Wilt Chamberlain claimed that he slept with over 20,000 women.  Isn't that "Self-snitching"????
Well Wilt and Will are 2 different people. I ****** alot of ******* in my day but nothin close to 20,000
If u stay wit yo girl in she seen that black screen on yo phone/cpu she been on nt before bro. Im jus saying i aint saying that i cheated before n my girl kno im a member of nt
I didn't see this posted but could it be that some of those dudes are attracted to the 'new-ness' and the pursuit of that new box?

"Even the baddest b****** get cheated on..." - some rapper

Not saying I agree or its right.

I got a 50-something year old classmate who recently separated from her husband of almost 24 years. She told me they got married in her early 30s but dude just couldn't stop cheating. She said he was a good guy just liked pursuing new box every few years.,.
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yup. you got me. :rolleyes
The question was asked if most men cheat on their wives. I would resoundingly say no based on the people in my life.
I'll re-iterate my point. You're a scumbag if the majority of people you know are cheating on their significant others.

Right bc your silly as knows word for word and action for action on what goes on in all the married people you know. Sit down somewhere.
All men cheat in one way or another IMO, it just a matter to which extent.  It is what it is.
hmmmmm explain.
I say this both from a male's perspective and from the comments I have heard from female's too.  From a male perspective I almost guarantee that a guy has either physically slept with another female while being in a committed relationship be it marriage or not, or thought about sleeping with another women.  From a female's perspective alot of females I know say that even if a man has thought about sleeping with another women emotionally (going out of a date with another woman), or mentally (thinking about a certain female over a long period of time) then they have cheated.
I did a quick count of the people I know who are married. Family and friends.
I know of one dude who has cheated. One out of 37.
Y'all hanging out with the wrong people if the majority of people you know are cheating on their significant others...
I know of more women that have cheated than men.


If you think someone who cheated on their spouse is casually

Gonna tell you, i got some galaxy yeezys to sell you...
My dad cheated on my mom with his wife. My mom cheated on my dad with her boyfriend. My mom's boyfriend cheated on my mom with his secretary. I witnessed my fair share of infidelity growing up. 
I say this both from a male's perspective and from the comments I have heard from female's too.  From a male perspective I almost guarantee that a guy has either physically slept with another female while being in a committed relationship be it marriage or not, or thought about sleeping with another women.  From a female's perspective alot of females I know say that even if a man has thought about sleeping with another women emotionally (going out of a date with another woman), or mentally (thinking about a certain female over a long period of time) then they have cheated.

LOL. Women need to sit down with that ****. Only a dumb ***** truly believes fantasizes about another woman is cheating. Every time a person in a relationship watches porn they are cheating? And if you truly believe those same women who told you that dont fantasize about other men, then you have a problem.

If you think someone who cheated on their spouse is casually

Gonna tell you, i got some galaxy yeezys to sell you...

My dad cheated on my mom with his wife. My mom cheated on my dad with her boyfriend. My mom's boyfriend cheated on my mom with his secretary. I witnessed my fair share of infidelity growing up. 
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pretty much everybody cheats. My theory is that if they haven't, then the right circumstance hasn't come about. Meaning they didn't have an easy way to get away with it, or what have you.
These threads can be a trap...but I've honestly never cheated on my wife. I just couldn't hurt her and she's been through too much, I hold a great amount of responsibility for her future mental well-being as her husband.

However, there are signs that she'll bring in another woman or let me sleep around eventually, which is what all men should strive for if that's what they need (not judging, I realize not all situations are ideal).

When we fight, she tells me to go to other women, or if she doesn't feel like sex she'll try to have "serious" conversations about how I need a clean woman on the side. At the same time, jealousy is her biggest weakness and I know that she's just testing me for now.

We also talked a lot about bringing in another woman, but she's very picky. She also doesn't like the idea of seeing me **** another woman. I believe it actually turns her on, but trust issues from prior relationships make her conflicted. She even likes to put on lesbian porn a couple times a week while we ****, she won't pay attention to it but makes sure I watch because it turns her on.

I feel like over the next couple years it is only a matter of time before she is cool with it, I just need to be patient.

Anyone else have experience/success with a situation like mine?

Every couple I know that has done this has ended up getting divorced, so be careful bro.
It's not just the men.

And in my opinion I think at least 80% of people cheat
Straight up tho, in my hood cats was getting it in early , I bloomed late (16yr old) and still after it was famine no feast. As I got to college I kinda grew into myself and things got better, I was easy on the eyes n the gift of gab got me through.

But I wanted MUCH MORE and literally prayed to be was the dude chicks threw the poon at. I wanted to fill women wit erotic lust every time my they sniffed my mere aura....

I got happily married, got more muscles ( kids are good work out equipment), and a beard and then,.... I got my old prayer answered (maaad late) My wife even sees some of it when we go out, but she not insecure, she trust me ( and prays constantly herself). I live with a wretched curse. No matter what I do, everywhere I go chix on the nuts heavy. The wedding ring make em want me more imo, cus they all think ima scumbag and not looking for a relationship, just bunz. Every store, office, hell, my supervisor tried to smash maad times and my old job. I just ignore it. All the flirtin, bendin over in front of me, chick bumpin into me, tryna start convos, all the favors, I just brush it aside. Its hard. Im a magnet but Im humble n dont think Im even aalll that but chix think so. I wish this was the case like when I was in Hi skool, but no didn't get that luxery. I live my life beating chix off my jock. Sometimes I feel Im dead and this is hell....makes no sense

You have so eloquently describe my life minus the marriage part, however I am in a serious relationship.
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