WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

D.Bry needs burgundy foam fingers with YES in white on them as merch.
Will sell like hot cakes.
how did I miss this? 

I had one too many beers during Wrestlemania and passed out at like 10:45pm 
Randy Orton Deep Sixed
Due to outrage from the real Marines, WWE has pulled Randy Orton as the star of the third "Marine" movie.

The WWE admitted to tmz.com that the company made poor judgment and apologized to the marines for casting Orton, who deserted the marines twice and served 38 days in military prison before he was signed by WWE.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Randy Orton Deep Sixed
Due to outrage from the real Marines, WWE has pulled Randy Orton as the star of the third "Marine" movie.

The WWE admitted to tmz.com that the company made poor judgment and apologized to the marines for casting Orton, who deserted the marines twice and served 38 days in military prison before he was signed by WWE.

Well damn.
Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

I'm still confused as to where all this love for D. Bryan has come from.
This is what happens when you job out one of the best wrestlers in the world in seconds on your biggest event of the year and then the next night, your crowd is mainly made up of the smarkiest of the smarks who wanted to watch live wrestling on both Sunday and Monday.

If Bryan got to have a ten-minute match w/ Sheamus and still lost, the crowd would NOT have reacted as they did last night.
Which is why in hindsight the WWE did what they did with Sheamus/Bryan. Yes they wanted that dumb record but they made a new star overnight with Bryan.

Besides the crowd being leftover from WM, do you think they expected the Yes chant to replace WHAT? chants?????? I think Vince was even smirking in the back during the Del Rio segment when it turned into Si! Si! Si! with Sheamus. Now, that will become the norm at live events due to what people saw last night

And with Lesnar, I think the fact that we hate Cena's character so much that we are looking over that the man will Job for anyone in the company (Especially Vince's rating boosters in The Rock and Lesnar) Same with Ziggler too.
That video of D Bry after raw is great..

This is one of the best if not the best crowds i've ever seen for a wwe/f event.

Even though the ECW arena didnt fit many fans, their chants were always loud and heard on tv and it felt just like that last night.
4wrestling reporting on the scene... I'm going to attempt to transcribe some of the news on Brock from the today's Observer Radio.
  • Brock is making more money than anyone on the roster other than John Cena.
  • It is a one year deal.
  • Right now is the "honeymoon" period with everyone excited, but we saw what happened backstage with Rock.
  • Brock had a similar deal when he went to Japan, though the WWE deal is for much more money, and eventually everyone resented Brock for not doing all of the tours.
  • Brock was making $50,000 a match in New Japan.  At the time, he was completely broke and needed the money.  Now, he does not need the money, regardless of how huge the WWE deal is.
  • Everyone was happy when Goldberg came in, who signed a deal for 8 shows a month which is much more than Brock will be doing.  Everyone quickly turned on Goldberg for not working all of the house shows.  Vince/WWE in fact were telling Goldberg he had to work more shows despite his contract saying otherwise.  Goldberg didn't budge which lead to WWE getting mad and all the wrestlers resenting him.  Brock is making multiple times what Goldberg made and will be working far fewer dates.
  • However, many backstage look at Brock as a person who represented pro wrestling well in UFC (that's questionable imo), and he also made his name in WWE, whereas Goldberg was a WCW product.
  • "This is the easiest angle in the world to book, but WWE doesn't have good track records here."
  • "WWE is going to want him to talk.  A sentence here or there is fine, but if they want him to go in front of the live crowd and talk for minutes, it won't work.  They need to bring Heyman in to talk for him."
  • "There are so many things about Brock that don't fit in with how WWE does their business, however he can draw more money than anyone they got with the possible exception of Rock, and for next year, more than Rock because Rock already had his big comeback run."
  • If Rock or Steve Austin is the ultimate goal or whoever the ultimate goal is going to be, and they have him working this entire year, he is going to have to destroy real people to get there.  Not just enhancement, midcard talent.  Or even worse, trading wins back and forth with the top people.
  • For Brock... who knows his mentality?  It's a lot of money, but if he gets fed up...  He doesn't care about the business and has plenty of money to walk away.  He's not afraid of Vince McMahon and doesn't care about the agents.  He's a guy that is going to do what he wants to do and doesn't care about upsetting anyone.
  • The first time he went and worked with them, it fell apart.  The second time, WWE was furious.  Brock wouldn't sign the contract after he said he would and it ended up in court.
  • Brock was making a ton of money in UFC and did not want to do any promotional work for them.  And that was to promote fights where he was making money directly off how good of business his fights did, and the money he was making in UFC was far more than he is making now from WWE.
  • His whole year deal with WWE will be less than what he made for two fights in UFC.
  • The big difference between Brock and everyone else who returns is they either need the money, the ego boost, or love the business.  Brock has none of these.
  • The big sticking point during the negotiations for Brock's return was never the money, it was the dates.  WWE's mentality is that HHH and The Undertaker deserve their schedule, but Brock doesn't deserve their schedule.  Brock wanted fewer dates.  WWE wanted more dates.  They settled on a compromise.
Originally Posted by TXZ

Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

I'm still confused as to where all this love for D. Bryan has come from.
This is what happens when you job out one of the best wrestlers in the world in seconds on your biggest event of the year and then the next night, your crowd is mainly made up of the smarkiest of the smarks who wanted to watch live wrestling on both Sunday and Monday.

If Bryan got to have a ten-minute match w/ Sheamus and still lost, the crowd would NOT have reacted as they did last night.
most of those fans knew brayn when he was in the indys also remember when bryan got fired it was those same hardcore wrestling fans that kept chanting his name in almost every ppv so WWE had no choice but to hire him back 
Honestly just cuz he feels like he has another match in him, I don't think Steve Austin comes back for it. I remember reading an interview he did and he said, he felt good enough to compete but he would have to go all out and be the best and carry the ball and he just didnt think his body would be able to do it.

It would be awesome to see him back, but I think it's more likely he does an appearance here or there like a guest ref spot or something like that.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

If Heyman had walked right out with Brock as well I'd have gone insane

That would have been @#$%^&* EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't hear a crowd like that since HBK pulled one over the Canadian crowd with that fake hitman stunt.
The tentative WrestleMania 29 plan....
The Rock defending the WWE Championship against Brock Lesnar

THAT will be the biggest match in WWE history.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

I'm still confused as to where all this love for D. Bryan has come from.

Um... maybe the fact that he's great on the mic, has excellent in ring work, and has one of the best, if not THEE best gimmick out of the entire roster right now.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]fixed.[/color]

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

D.Bry needs burgundy foam fingers with YES in white on them as merch.
Will sell like hot cakes.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]everyone would go ape sh-t, in my minds eye i see it how everyone rocked head with Al Snow in ECW. would be CRAZY!!! good damn idea.[/color]

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The tentative WrestleMania 29 plan....
The Rock defending the WWE Championship against Brock Lesnar

THAT will be the biggest match in WWE history.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]fully agree.[/color]
I marked out soooooo badly when Brock come out, and had to change my pants when he F-5'd Cena. But OF COURSE Cena sells it terribly
Put the WHC on Lesnar and have a title unification match at WM29 and that will be the top ranked match of all.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

great raw, was shocked at how the crowd was into it.

the returns of the group of ppl tonight was vince's back up plan for hhh, hb, taker and rock going away for a while (wwe still wants batista)

Peep_Game marked out when Cena pointed at MGK

the f5 was

Is D. Bryan a Diego Sanchez fan?  He's the new ambassador for "Yes".  He needs to practice the Yes cartwheels.
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