WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1


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JD Curt wins the battle royale to become the new NTCore Champion
Tennhouse defeats Hymen
Yardfather wins MITB
Peep Game defends
JNSQ defends
Hombrelobo pins The Deek to become the new NTWT Champion
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- WWE announced that 78,363 fans set an attendance record for Sun Life Stadium at tonight’s pay-per-view.
I hate stats like this. As if all sporting events have the same attendance potential 
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by OvATyME316

My friend is at Wrestlemania, he says they are fights starting in the crowd.
this can't be life.....
It was true, happened not two rows across from me, we got the pleasure of almost seeing two bonus matches. This little Tyga looking clown was arguing about some dude was in his seat, obviously he was drunk, long story short this T-Pain looking dude was about to body him, and then the people clown came with were motioning him that he was in the wrong section. Embarrassed, he had to try and save face and started repping where he was from talking all kinds of trash on some Tyga steez and eventually got tossed out.

As for the event, Taker/HHH alone was worth the price of admission what a fantastic match. People were going nuts there. Rock/Cena was great, Rocky got a HUGE pop and I really believe there would have been blood if Cena won, too many people were about that life last night saying it constantly. Punk/Y2J was solid as well. Had the time of my life last night, voice is gone but it was well worth it (besides the fact that those big *!! palm trees were put right in front of our seats
). I'll put some pics up later.
- Jim Ross called the Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 28 because The Undertaker requested him several weeks back.

- WWE held a WrestleMania 28 after party last night. Some of the WWE talents arrived an hour late after the bus they were traveling on took them the wrong way.

- The woman that Big Show kissed after winning the Intercontinental Title match last night was his wife Bes

- Shawn Michaels thanked WWE for his role at WrestleMania 28 last night. He wrote:

“There are no words to express how honored I was to be a part of that match!! Thank you @WWE for allowing me to be a part of #WrestleMania !!
Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan (c) (with AJ) - Duration: 00:18

Kane defeated Randy Orton - Duration: 10:56

The Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes (c) - Duration: 05:18

Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos defeated Beth Phoenix and Eve - Duration: 06:49

The Undertaker defeated Triple H - Duration: 30:52

Team Johnny defeated Team Teddy - Duration:10:38

CM Punk (c) defeated Chris Jericho - Duration: 22:21

The Rock defeated John Cena - Duration: 30:34
- MMA fighters Rashad Evans, Cole Miller and agent Malki Kawa were in attendance for WrestleMania 28 in Miami last night. Rashad compared the event to a UFC show:

“honestly when it comes 2 a live show the UFC is better! There is no music in between matches! Nothing 2 keep the fans ent!
Speaking of pyro was this the first time Wrestlemania didn't have an show-opening pyro display?
hung out with Cole and Micah Miller and Blake Bowman a bit before the show started.

one of my buddies manages them, and i trained briefly under the Miller brothers in the spring of 2007

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Shawn Michaels is a punk if all this is true. 
everyone knows that is how Shawn was back in the day but after he retired the first time he changed legitimately into a quality human being 
guess i'm by myself on this one, but for it's time period and what was expected from me, this is the worst wrestlemania of all time. I used to think 22 was some garbage, but this show was a disaster.

The WHC match was a disgrace and discredit to both men and their talents. Extremely disappointed with WWE

kane vs orton was such a useless match, and honestly just buried orton for no reason. i love and respect kane for his contributions over the years, but why have him beat orton? no one will ever view kane as a legitimate threat as long as he's wearing that fake wig and clownsuit.

Big show defeated cody rhodes for the IC title is going to end bad either way. For show, it's disrespectful because it just goes to show he'll never be in a world title picture again and pointless for him to even have a belt. he's probably just a transitional champion. For cody, i'll be ok with him dropping the belt if he moves into the title picture. if he remains fighting for the IC title or goes and wins the US title on raw, it'll be a complete waste of his talent similiar to dolphs.

The cell match was ehhhh, i'm sorry, but the story was already told last year. I personally hated the idea of hhh/taker 3, but once it came i figured i'd be down for the ride. I felt michaels being there was out of place and mohawk taker was a joke. The whole HBK asking taker "let me end it" and taker being like "don't stop the match" was so weak. I'm sorry, but for those of us who can remember when taker was impervious to pain and got up from everything this just made me sick. I understand it's two old warriors battling it out, but come on man. How am I as a fan of Taker since before i can remember going to accept this "deadman" gimmick if he's always getting beat to an inch of his life. and with HBK was too involved for my liking, like taking the hammer for HHH? come on. The end of the match was epic though. The three of them walking out together was half and half. As a fan of all three men behind the scenes it was cool and understandable, as a fan of their characters it was ehhh.

the divas match was forgettable seeing as i don't even remember if it took place before or after. i wanna say before, but who cares. I liked beth's hat though. honestly they need to revamp the whole division or just be done with it already.

team johnny winning was expected and i'm glad it happened. can't wait to see how this plays out. *side note* still think it should've been ziggler vs. orton. ziggler is a dude who could really shine at mania, they need to just believe in this guy already!

cm punk vs jericho was the best match of the night. after jericho countered that frankensteiner off the top into a walls of jericho, it's hard to say dude legit isn't the best in the world, well atleast in the WWE. no complaints here at all

Rocky vs Cena turned out to be interesting, but i'm really surprised cena didn't show up the way i expected him to. I feel like this match was really just showing off the rock. rocky whipped out some flex kavana on him early in the match, using moves i ain't seen from him since 1996! I feel like cena elevates his game to that of his opponent in big matches, but this time i just didn't get that feeling. granted rocky isnt the best technical wrestler of all time, but i still think cena should've whipped out a little more than his five moves of doom. some parts were real sloppy, like that double clothesline, definitely the worst i've ever seen. only reason i don't clown rocky's sharpshooter is cuz it's his dedication to owen, but i wish he'd apply it a little better. honestly didn't see rocky winning this one, but hey no complaints for me. now i just hope this is the beginning of a cena heel turn.

maybe i just had a bitter taste in my mouth last night cuz of the way it started so i'll go back and watch 27 and 28 when 28 comes out in a couple months to compare. however, after last weeks raw and this show, i honestly felt like this is the worst week of wrestling i have ever seen.
the day after and multiple beers worn off; I think this Mania was average 
Shemus vs. Bryan while 
 they pretty much killed Bryan while most likely making fans turn on Shemus as a face

Orton vs. Kane was an okay match but didn't really have a reason to even happen

Big Show vs. Cody was food/beer/bathroom break

Diva's match was more food/beer/bathroom break

Team match was pretty entertaining but should have been MITB 

Hell in a Cell was pretty good but I don't get the don't ring the bell crap half way through the match

Punk vs. Jericho was AWESOME; best match of the night 

Rock vs. Cena...I just want the Rock to go away at this point; I don't get the burying of Cena but I will reserve judgement...I hope this wasn't a Rock ego thing because as much as Cena can annoy me; he ALWAYS does what's good for the company and I give him mad props for that 
Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

long is the day since I gave a damn about wrestling...I remember checking when those celebs hosted and when The Rock came back, but I never figured he would wrestle again...wasn't even tryna watch this til I barely heard about it...

got goosebumps...felt that childhood...don't know what I woulda done with myself or those around me if Cena woulda won.

Feels like slim pickins out there though...I mean outside of this (Game-Taker was the goods too) that was a Wrestlemania?

!!#* it, Brahma Bull was enough
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Shawn Michaels is a punk if all this is true. 
everyone knows that is how Shawn was back in the day but after he retired the first time he changed legitimately into a quality human being 

Not true, Michaels is still a snake. After his post-reborn Christian return in '02, he joined the nWo & kicked Booker T out. Then he said:
"Ya see, you tried to steal the spotlight from the nWo, just like Austin tried to steal it from me, just like The Rock tries to steal it from Hunter..." 
 Here's the video, skip to the 9:00 mark:

Sure, Shawn. Maybe it has to do with the fact that both men are more over and more loved by the fans than you two will ever be?

The revisionist history the WWE creates for HHH/HBK is DISGUSTING. And this is coming from a guy who's a fan of their ringwork.

HBK is the Jay-Z of wrestling. Talented, but a snake who feel the need to rewrite history because of his own insecurities.

EDIT: Oh, also both men are NOT the GOAT of their respective careers like the majority of fans think. 
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Shawn Michaels is a punk if all this is true. 

always said that....still respect him but not like how he should be respected....I respect Hunter more for taking the heat for that Kliq hug incident that was caught on camera in a in-house show at MSG
Originally Posted by datboi81

guess i'm by myself on this one, but for it's time period and what was expected from me, this is the worst wrestlemania of all time. I used to think 22 was some garbage, but this show was a disaster.

The WHC match was a disgrace and discredit to both men and their talents. Extremely disappointed with WWE

kane vs orton was such a useless match, and honestly just buried orton for no reason. i love and respect kane for his contributions over the years, but why have him beat orton? no one will ever view kane as a legitimate threat as long as he's wearing that fake wig and clownsuit.

Big show defeated cody rhodes for the IC title is going to end bad either way. For show, it's disrespectful because it just goes to show he'll never be in a world title picture again and pointless for him to even have a belt. he's probably just a transitional champion. For cody, i'll be ok with him dropping the belt if he moves into the title picture. if he remains fighting for the IC title or goes and wins the US title on raw, it'll be a complete waste of his talent similiar to dolphs.

The cell match was ehhhh, i'm sorry, but the story was already told last year. I personally hated the idea of hhh/taker 3, but once it came i figured i'd be down for the ride. I felt michaels being there was out of place and mohawk taker was a joke. The whole HBK asking taker "let me end it" and taker being like "don't stop the match" was so weak. I'm sorry, but for those of us who can remember when taker was impervious to pain and got up from everything this just made me sick. I understand it's two old warriors battling it out, but come on man. How am I as a fan of Taker since before i can remember going to accept this "deadman" gimmick if he's always getting beat to an inch of his life. and with HBK was too involved for my liking, like taking the hammer for HHH? come on. The end of the match was epic though. The three of them walking out together was half and half. As a fan of all three men behind the scenes it was cool and understandable, as a fan of their characters it was ehhh.

the divas match was forgettable seeing as i don't even remember if it took place before or after. i wanna say before, but who cares. I liked beth's hat though. honestly they need to revamp the whole division or just be done with it already.

team johnny winning was expected and i'm glad it happened. can't wait to see how this plays out. *side note* still think it should've been ziggler vs. orton. ziggler is a dude who could really shine at mania, they need to just believe in this guy already!

cm punk vs jericho was the best match of the night. after jericho countered that frankensteiner off the top into a walls of jericho, it's hard to say dude legit isn't the best in the world, well atleast in the WWE. no complaints here at all

Rocky vs Cena turned out to be interesting, but i'm really surprised cena didn't show up the way i expected him to. I feel like this match was really just showing off the rock. rocky whipped out some flex kavana on him early in the match, using moves i ain't seen from him since 1996! I feel like cena elevates his game to that of his opponent in big matches, but this time i just didn't get that feeling. granted rocky isnt the best technical wrestler of all time, but i still think cena should've whipped out a little more than his five moves of doom. some parts were real sloppy, like that double clothesline, definitely the worst i've ever seen. only reason i don't clown rocky's sharpshooter is cuz it's his dedication to owen, but i wish he'd apply it a little better. honestly didn't see rocky winning this one, but hey no complaints for me. now i just hope this is the beginning of a cena heel turn.

maybe i just had a bitter taste in my mouth last night cuz of the way it started so i'll go back and watch 27 and 28 when 28 comes out in a couple months to compare. however, after last weeks raw and this show, i honestly felt like this is the worst week of wrestling i have ever seen.

no way that this WM was the worst...nor was 22....if anything 23(hair vs hair? c'mon son) 16 and 11 were the worst
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Speaking of pyro was this the first time Wrestlemania didn't have an show-opening pyro display?

if your not counting the early Hogan-led Wrestlemanias...then yes
freakydestroyer You're right, Taker is the BO$$ of all BO$$E$. 
This dude made HBK retire TWICE. First time when HBK legit hurt his back in their casket match in '98. To add insult to injury--literally--he then forced him to job out to Austin. DEM TAPED FISTS.
 HBK didn't wrestle again until years later. Then again 12 years later in 2010.

Who else can son the Kliq like Taker? He's 6-0 against the Kliq in WM wins. 
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by datboi81

guess i'm by myself on this one, but for it's time period and what was expected from me, this is the worst wrestlemania of all time. I used to think 22 was some garbage, but this show was a disaster.
no way that this WM was the worst...nor was 22....if anything 23(hair vs hair? c'mon son) 16 and 11 were the worst
i'll give you 11 maybe (i'm a michaels mark and that was the match that made him my favorite of all time), but no way 16 was bad. the triple threat tag team ladder match and the fatal fourway for the title alone put that mania ahead of all the ones we've listed as candidates for possible worst.
The rock winning was
, everything else sucked,Wrestlemania 17 is still the best WM to this day

Undertaker VS Triple H at WM 17 > Last nights match
I think though that is what makes that ending to last nights match vs Taker/HHH all the better. Those three men butted heads so many times in the locker room about multiple wrestlers and yet which three out of all the stories we hear are still around the business more often than not. Yeah we get Austin on occasion and Hart too now. But after tonight (no matter what rumors say since we all thought we would see lesnar last night) the Rock is gone until 2013 and WM 29. HBK/HHH/Taker may have disagreed or gotten under each other's skin (more so Shawn with taker than HHH from the readings), but they are all that are left from that group of wrestling. (Yes the corny "End of an Era" yeah yeah)

I think you guys are missing that they were still a brotherhood. they had there moments when they really wanted to take each others heads off but they still respected each other. Shawn was an #%#%$% and HHH followed his lead. This was well known. But Taker was and from what Dave Met has said when Taker is in the Locker room still the authority figure for the wrestlers. They do not cross his path and it was that way when HHH and HBK wanted their way too.
i really thought i was losing my mind this morning initially when i saw all these positive things being said about mania, i was like "am i crazy for thinking this show sucked?" thanks guys for confirming my that i'm not in the matrix.
datboi81 WM 11 was trash, but WM 9 was the absolute WORST. The card itself makes me want to throw up:
Tatanka vs HBK (the only DECENT match, thanks to HBK)

Steiners vs Headshrinkers

Doink vs Crush

Razor Ramon vs Backlund

DiBiase/IRS vs Hogan/Beefcake

Luger vs Perfect

Taker vs Giant Gonzalez

Yokozuna vs Bret Hart (Yoko won, then Hogan comes out & defeats him in 21 seconds.
 This burai lwas worse than D-Bry/Sheamus.)

As for WM 2000 (16), it wasn't THAT bad. 2000 had some of the best PPVs/matches in WWE history (wrestling-wise, that year is 3rd behind 2001/2002). Everyone had high hopes for WM2000, and for that year's WM to be so disappointing, it's being looked at as worse than it really was. Still the worst PPV of 2000.
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