WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

The rock winning was
, everything else sucked,Wrestlemania 17 is still the best WM to this day

Undertaker VS Triple H at WM 17 > Last nights match

Fell asleep last night on the actual show during the 12 man tag....watched a replay this morning. HHH/Taker match of the night of course. Rock and Cena wasn't a 5 star match by far but it was entertaining. Jericho and Punk let me down. I was legit shocked and marked a lil bit when Rock got the 3 count. Guess we'll see where this goes. Hope they not betting on Rock/Cena 2 to do big numbers or anything. Don't think they will draw for a rematch. They had a year to build this one and did nothing spectacular. The end of the HHH/Taker match really felt like Taker's last match to me. With names flying around for WM 29 like Austin,Rock,Lesnar and Batista I think next year show has a chance for a good "dream" card possibly. Now I will see if the WWE can keep my attention now that WM is past. I doubt they will
but I'll check out Raw tonight.
Originally Posted by heelish

datboi81 WM 11 was trash, but WM 9 was the absolute WORST. The card itself makes me want to throw up:
Tatanka vs HBK (the only DECENT match, thanks to HBK)

Steiners vs Headshrinkers

Doink vs Crush

Razor Ramon vs Backlund

DiBiase/IRS vs Hogan/Beefcake

Luger vs Perfect

Taker vs Giant Gonzalez

Yokozuna vs Bret Hart (Yoko won, then Hogan comes out & defeats him in 21 seconds.
 This burai lwas worse than D-Bry/Sheamus.)

As for WM 2000 (16), it wasn't THAT bad. 2000 had some of the best PPVs/matches in WWE history (wrestling-wise, that year is 3rd behind 2001/2002). Everyone had high hopes for WM2000, and for that year's WM to be so disappointing, it's being looked at as worse than it really was. Still the worst PPV of 2000.
everyone loves to go to 9 as being the worst, which i respect everyones opinion, but on an entertainment level atleast i get laughs out of 9.

-of course i love hbk vs tatanka
-the behind the scenes when shawn michaels attacks mr. perfect backstage with luger was just funny to me for some reason
-taker winning by DQ being counted as part of the streak cracks me up
-the theatrics like heenan backwards on a mule, macho man being fed grapes, and commentary

-JR's debut

-hogan's black eye always makes me laugh
-money INC promo's always crack me up
-luger's narcissist gimmick lololol
-bret getting salted in the face by mr. fuji

i do agree that hogan asking bret if he can challenge and beating yoko was horrible though.

In match performances, 9 might be the worst, but overall entertainment for myself and what i would want to watch? i put 9 over 28 anyday because atleast i'll get a good laugh.

This show was dope. Entertaining card start to finish.

The Bryan match didn't upset me because he'll prob get a rematch and they can deliver the match everyone wants down the line. They didn't want to steal any thunder from the big three and it got the crowd hype.

Taker/HHH was epic.

The Rock winning had me jumping and cheering like a little kid with everyone at the bar. Did not expect that at all!
I enjoyed WM last night, the booze helped, but it also resulted in some foggy recollections. I will be rewatching some matches tonight.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I know you all missed me.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I was naichen in vegas somethin vicious. WM, for the most part, was really enjoyable. great moments. but the burial of the best going wrestler and gimmick right now was buried in 18 seconds. glad that divas match and the stupid feud, which everyone was dead for, got time. so stupid.[/color]
Originally Posted by heelish

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Shawn Michaels is a punk if all this is true. 
everyone knows that is how Shawn was back in the day but after he retired the first time he changed legitimately into a quality human being 

Not true, Michaels is still a snake. After his post-reborn Christian return in '02, he joined the nWo & kicked Booker T out. Then he said:
"Ya see, you tried to steal the spotlight from the nWo, just like Austin tried to steal it from me, just like The Rock tries to steal it from Hunter..." 
 Here's the video, skip to the 9:00 mark:

Sure, Shawn. Maybe it has to do with the fact that both men are more over and more loved by the fans than you two will ever be?

The revisionist history the WWE creates for HHH/HBK is DISGUSTING. And this is coming from a guy who's a fan of their ringwork.

HBK is the Jay-Z of wrestling. Talented, but a snake who feel the need to rewrite history because of his own insecurities.

EDIT: Oh, also both men are NOT the GOAT of their respective careers like the majority of fans think. 

This guy always finds a way to hate on JAY-Z its crazy
Your expectations were entirely too high if you thought last night sucked

Everybody wants to praise Cena/CM Punk at NOC...Rock/Cena last night>that match and its not even close. The atmosphere in Chicago made that match. In ring it was awful. So I cant be too upset at Rock after a decade and Cena who just sucks didnt absolutely blow my mind in ring.

If they do Cena/Rock II it will be a ginormous mistake. Leave it as literally 'once in a lifetime' with a clean finish and move on.
Antidope It's not hate, it's true. I said I'm a fan of both guys, am I not allowed to criticize them? Your boy Jay isn't GOAT. I haven't posted in a while, glad you remember me. Sicko. I'm disgusted right now.

Back on topic, datboi81, damn you're bringing back memories, it's been years. Might have to pop in my WM9 VHS tape now 

Ya know, WM27 would probably be the worst one had I not been there live. Atmosphere was dope, four people including me were the only CM Punk fans in our section that night, crazy how sh*t changed. Still haven't watched it since 
Any of you guys saying last night was the worst WM of all time, or even just saying it sucked, seriously need to *+!@.

Undertaker v HHH in itself was better than some entire WM cards.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Any of you guys saying last night was the worst WM of all time, or even just saying it sucked, seriously need to *+!@.

Undertaker v HHH in itself was better than some entire WM cards.
I would say it was slightly above average but that is like saying it's the best ever compared to the last few WM's
in the end I am not mad that I spent $65 and that is all I can ask for 
Originally Posted by YardFather

Any of you guys saying last night was the worst WM of all time, or even just saying it sucked, seriously need to *+!@.

Undertaker v HHH in itself was better than some entire WM cards.
look the match wasn't a bad match, it's truly a testament to both men especially at their ages and for the time that they've been pretty in work, but don't act like that match was all that. the theatrics in that match were a little over dramatic for my taste, i mean the undertaker saying "don't stop the match shawn!!" IT'S THE UNDERTAKER??!!! he should never be THAT weak where their about to throw in the towel for him. the only manias i wouldn't watch over that match are the first 2...and maybe 22, but that's just cuz 22 didn't do anything for me.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- WWE announced that 78,363 fans set an attendance record for Sun Life Stadium at tonight’s pay-per-view.
I hate stats like this. As if all sporting events have the same attendance potential 
And the arena wasn't even full. 

Wait till next year and whenever they hit Cowboys Stadium. Those will be some 

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Speaking of pyro was this the first time Wrestlemania didn't have an show-opening pyro display?
It didn't?! 
 I was running a bit late and sat there tight that I didn't see the opening. Now I dont feel that bad.
Well as far as the Rock v. Cena feud thing goes I think the Rock winning was the right thing to do. There really is no point in putting Cena over. Thats why they deemed it "Once in a lifetime" match. Because at this point in time John Cena winning would not of made anyone Cena fans more so than they are now. And those who hate cena will not magically like him all of a sudden or vice versa.

Besides, the WWE probably knows that even if Cena lost, his merch will still sell well. He will still be #1 in make a wish. He doesn't have to turn heel. He'll just go back to his Cena superhero that has to come to reality that there will be days like that but the strength is in moving forward and strengthening himself...blah blah blah three fingers in the air hustle loyalty respect.
The most shocking thing about WM9 is how small Hogan was. Oh and that the championship was inexplicably defended like it was the 24/7 Hardcore title that night.

A few thoughts on last night's WM:

- Rock looked rustier than he did at Survivor Series. By no means bad, but he didn't seem nearly as fluid or quick.

- I wonder if the WWE will stay with the ring being more mic'd. I am guessing no due to it giving away spots.

- The Undertaker, despite cutting his hair, still has more hair than HBK.

- It's sad that a lasting memory of this WM will involve wrestlers wearing a shirt with Teddy's face on them.

- No more music, please. The segues into the theme songs were so awkward.

- Same-day ticket sales must have been incredible

- The palm trees? It's not @+%!%@* Bash at the Beach

- You could tell Edge hates that he will never wrestle again. I think that was part of his emotions.

- I don't know if that was the end of the Punk/Jericho feud, but it's hard to imagine a program for either wrestler that ends with such a nice match (my favorite of the night).

- HBK's presence was great. I was worried that it would detract from the match, but he really helped sell the story.

- HBK's eyes just seem to be get worse. Dude can officially cross the road without looking both ways.

- I don't like what happened to Daniel Bryan, but without that happening I can't imagine how they would have had time for the better matches. If there was going to be a squash match, I am glad it was that one just to fuel Bryan's character more.

- Eve is a great heel. Oddly enough, I don't see which Diva she carries on a program with next.

- The Taker/HHH match was great. The cinematography was great.

- It's weird that Orton considers himself such a top guy, yet hasn't gotten a top billing at WM in years.

- Kane looks like Chucky.
Being that Bryan bs Sheamus was just squash match, Punk vs Jericho definitely should've opened. Very good match that got lost in the shuffle.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by bjm5295

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

pretty sure the rock is 2 - 0 vs hogan

you are absolutely right. i could have sworn hogan won the second one at no way out.
at myself.

The Rock is my favorite wrestler of all time. It's sad knowing he couldn't get it done against The Great Goldberg.
The Rock did everything he could to put over Goldberg but the fans weren't having that
The match was good in a car crash sort of way. Rock 
was selling the &@^# out of Goldberg's offense, and you can tell Goldberg was flustered mentally cause of the crowd reactions. 
So now that the dust has settled, what is the deal with Lesnar?


My friend said that per Dave Meltzer his deal is for 1 year, $5 million w/15 mandatory appearances.
Just finished watching. Wrestlemania was great, really enjoyed it. Probably my favorite since 24.

And some of you seem shocked at the fact that DBry caught that burial.
I thought last nights event was really really good..I'd have to give it an 8/10..

-DBry/Sheamus was perfect..It's going to set up DB to be even more of a douche, which is a good thing..

-Kane/Orton wasn't great, but it was solid..And since I'm pretty sure they're going with Kane/Cena program again it sets up a way for Kane to act superior to Cena since he won and Cena didn't..Maybe some sort of thing where Kane tells Cena that he would have won if he would have embraced the hate..

-Divas match sucked, but it was decent filler..

-MGK/Florida was just flat out stupid and uneventful

-12 man tag was actually more entertaining than I thought it was going to be..And I don't know why but I think that this match is going to set up something with Miz and Otunga..I think they'll either be put in a tag team by Johnny or Otunga is going to get jealous of Miz cause Johnny will be high on him due to him getting the win for Team Johnny..So maybe a possible program with those two in a feud..And the match helped fuel the hate of Eve..

-Punk/Jericho was a pretty good match..I thought they could have done better, but I got high hopes that this is just the beginning of a great summer time feud..

-Rock/Cena played out exactly like I thought it would..Rock was a little rusty, but Cena was pretty much dog poop the whole match..Between his inability to pull off moves, to his extra loud calling out of spots, to his horrible selling job it's a wonder this dude even has a job..I just don't understand what Vince see's in this guy..He is THE WORST MAIN EVENT WRESTLE I HAVE EVER SEEN..Say what you want about the Hogans or Diesels or Warriors, but damn, atleast they could convey some emotion with their faces even if they had only about 9 moves between them..Go back and look at either the next to last or last time the Rock kicked out of Cena's pin attempt, this guy sat up and instead of being shocked or disgusted that he didnt get the pin, he's fighting off the urge to smile!..Seriously?..I'm glad the Rock was put over last night..

-Undertaker/HHH was a flat out classic..Anyone who doesn't recognize these 2 guys' storytelling ability are foolish..They told the perfect story last night..They took you up, down, sideways..They gave you everything you'd want in a main event caliber match..Did you guys see UT's back from those chair shots?..Did you see Trips get busted open the hard way?..Did you notice the way they used the cage flawlessly?..What more could you possibly ask for out of these guys?..The answer is nothing..And Shawn, to his ego's credit, showed great restraint by not being making himself the story but just a part of it..The way these two, no three, guys used their facial expressions to get over the intensity/shock/exhaustion/desperation to the audience was fantastic..They really should make the guys on the roster watch this match to learn how to get the fans hooked and keep em that way for a whole match..Oh and how can I forget the fact that JR called one of the best matches of his career..VKM should be ashamed of himself for how he treats JR..Especially when you consider that King and Cole are about as awful as it gets when it comes to commentary..
Attended my first Wrestlemaina last night, do not regret at all, last 3 matches had everyone the arena marking out, Rock/Cena was the best because you didn't know who was going to win, after doing this once I don't see myself going to another Wrestlemania unless I get the ILL hookup or they have it in Florida, I drove from Tampa with wifey and we spent like $400 ($40 parking was terrible), I can't imagine ppl who actually get on a plane, rent a car,hotel AND have to pay for tickets, concession, merchandise' and I won't even mention if you have kids...All in All I scratched something off the bucket list, but I'll stick to streaming, I have repaid some of my wrestling bootlegging over the past year (live shows,WWE 12,),

Wrestlemania has and always will cater to the Live audience, Broadus Clay was OVER last night, getting MGK and Flo Rida is a bonus, gotta do it at least once....
Here's a review/write up for WM28 http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/tv_reports/232085/On-the-Marc-Reviews:-WrestleMania-XXVIII.htm
Besides the matches that I didn't actually see (Divas match, Show/Cody, Kane/Orton, Sheamus/DBry), it's pretty spot on.

- Punk/Jericho was really good, but you can tell that the crowd still hadn't recovered from the HIAC match. It was good to see

Punk/Jericho reel the crowd in gradually though like an old school type thing. It wasn't as epic as it could have been, but I think

that was more of the crowd than the actual match.

- HIAC was fantastic, and pretty much what you could ask for from each of them.

- The GM match was inoffensive filler fun. It is hilarious though that Miz has been getting slighted and buried for weeks now, but

ended up getting the pinfall. Maybe he's been forgiven for his sins
...or they love the irony of him pinning Ryder.

- Obviously shocked by Rock winning, and though the in-ring stuff wasn't as epic as it could have been, the whole atmosphere was

great. Haven't marked out in awhile, but I swear I thought I was gonna collapse when Cena rolled up Rock's crossbody and hit that

. Rock (of course after all this time) wasn't as fluid as he could've been, but that energy and feeling was still there. I have to give

Cena props for being in that position, but something was a bit off about his performance...or him and Rock don't have natural chemistry

in the ring...or he's just not a very good wrestler
 His selling of stuff...good lord.
- Chris Jericho failed to capture the WWE Title from CM Punk at last night’s WrestleMania 28 pay-per-view in a 30+ minute match. Jericho took to Twitter this morning and said he may be moving on:

“Feel like I got run over by a truck…and in a way I did. The better man won last night. I guess its time for me to move on.
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