WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Once again thinking back on Mania.

Seriously my initial reaction was that I was totally shocked and disappointed to not be getting a match with DBry/Sheamus, but having had the night to think it's easy realised that the finish made sense. They've put Sheamus over as the #1 unstoppable face right now in WWE (Whether you like him or not, it's true) , essentially and played his finisher as a devastating move. Bryan on the other hand has always been played as a man who has fluked his way through his title run and never really beat any of his challengers, but rather escaped them. So really, it wasn't the most horrible crime ever, and life goes on.

On Taker/HHH

I watched Wrestlemania with friends last night. They aren't wrestling fans really but they wanted to watch this show with me and we had a few drinks. They LOVED this match and so did I. Taker and HHH enticed them into this with supreme storytelling. HBK being there as a human being looking at two men willing to kill each other for this match was amazing to me. If you were willing to be drawn into this match you'd have loved it. If you hated this match, I think you've lost the magic of wrestling because this is what wrestling is. Great Stuff.

On the Main Events (WWE Title/Rock/Cena)

Two good matches. I was pretty tired at this stage too. Punk/Jericho was obviously very good but I had very high expectations and I thought they had a bit more to give, but it was still a great match especially at the end. Rock/Cena was the same on a bigger degree. The crowd was hot. It was good but not amazing. I am interested to see what's next for Cena though.

Overall, I feel its a bit weak to hate this show because your favourite wrestler didn't get a long match. Yes, of course you should be mad but really, it shouldn't ruin the night for you. It annoyed be but it didn't spoil the night, because that'd be petty of anyone. Same thing with Big Show winning, if that bugged you. Just enjoy the show, not everything is going to go your way.

Mania gets a solid 8.5/10
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Maybe it's just me...but wth is with the hate for Sheamus?
The hate is for his current face persona
Heel sheamus
I mean...yeah the random stories and stuff are kinda silly...but other than that he's perfectly fine as a face.

I think people don't like Sheamus because of the friendship he has with HHH, and with that people think he gets things handed to him like the Rumble win.

I'm not fond of him because of his promo skills. His in-ring work is pretty good for his style.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I think people don't like Sheamus because of the friendship he has with HHH, and with that people think he gets things handed to him like the Rumble win.

I'm not fond of him because of his promo skills. His in-ring work is pretty good for his style.


It's exactly why people don't like him. That and he's too much of a *character* for some peoples liking. I like him. Eh *shrugs*


I'm sitting here about what Vince probably thinks about everyone's opinion on the show last night. I imagine it goes something like this..

Spoiler [+]
I would have loved to see Vince's reaction when Shawn came out to the botched pyro.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Thinking back I may have saw you Club. Were you able to see the ring ok or were the giant trees blocking your view as well?

  yeah I was actually one of the last seats in that row that was able to still get a clean shot of the ring, despite the obnoxiously large palm trees
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Maybe it's just me...but wth is with the hate for Sheamus?
The hate is for his current face persona
Heel sheamus
Yea, his initial face turn was cool, cause it was gradual, and he was just running around kicking %@^. Now he's Hornswoggle's dad basically.
I do like his in-ring style though, fits him perfectly.

One thing though, I HATED how he was pushed early on. How do you go from epic battles with Goldust on WWECW to Cena diving through

a table to win your first WWE title??? That's why it took an act of God HHH to finally get him over, cause the crowd was not reacting to

him at all until that. 
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

I was the guy in the navy shirt who stood up to go get food and someone yelled "sit the f**** down!"

so i replied "hey f**** off dude. seriously who just said that?"


Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Maybe it's just me...but wth is with the hate for Sheamus?

I still @%!+$ with Sheamus.

Didn't think he could pull off becoming a face but he's done a good job and his ringwork is decent.

I wasn't a fan of the Sheamus/D-Bryan finish, but like I said before I think WWE uses this to create conflict between Bryan and AJ and take D-Bryan's trolling and douchebaggery to the next level.

Overall, I was satisfied with this years Mania. The three marquee matches delivered and the filler matches were as bad as I thought they'd be. In fact Orton/Kane wasn't bad at all
I don't know if it was here but someone said that it would be great if A.J won the Divas title and that caused Bryan to snap on her for being champion and him not.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

You guys are buggin this was easily top 5 maybe top 3 WM's ever. Compared to last years, forget about it.

I marked out for Rock, I think that match was about as good as it could get because Cena sucks in the ring and I really expected him to be put over in this scenario. The Rock in ring was solid. Overall amazing show I'm gonna rewatch the Taker match before knocking out.

It was a good WrestleMania, but I'm not ready to put it Top 3 or 5.  There was one excellent match, two good to very good matches, and 5 matches that meant nothing.  To be an all-time great, the card top to bottom needs to be solid.  That definitely wasn't the case last night.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Overall, WM 28 was a very Good show. There will not be a better PPV this year.

I definitely enjoyed WM 28 and didn't mind paying the $65 for it, but I'll be pretty disappointed if there isn't a show better than this the rest of the year.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- WWE announced that 78,363 fans set an attendance record for Sun Life Stadium at tonight’s pay-per-view.
The actual attendance won't be known for a few days, but it was more likely around 66-68,000.  WWE typically pads by about 10,000.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I don't know if it was here but someone said that it would be great if A.J won the Divas title and that caused Bryan to snap on her for being champion and him not.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- WWE announced that 78,363 fans set an attendance record for Sun Life Stadium at tonight’s pay-per-view.
The actual attendance won't be known for a few days, but it was more likely around 66-68,000.  WWE typically pads by about 10,000.

That number probably includes all of WWEs staff, Sunlifes staff, dudes pushed bootleg Cena wristbands in the parkling lot, birds that may have flown over the stadium, ect.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

It's 2:30am ET. I'm just getting back to my hotel which was about 20 minutes away. Miami's transportation system is awful. 
 Had to take an airport shuttle from the stadium to the airport then catch another shuttle back to the hotel. Spent about $75 on travel to and from Wrestlemania today. F'ing ridiculous. And Sun Life is terrible. Thank god they're taking the show back to a proper stadium next year at Metlife. No wonder the Dolphins still suck. The stadium is out in west bubble**** away from all the glitz and glamour that they show in the WM promos. If it wasn't for Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena I'd be highly disappointed with today's events.
-Taker/HHH III is now one of my favorite matches of all time. Those 3 showed us why they are where they are with that match. I can't wait to watch it again.

-Punk/Y2J was good but it should've gone on before Taker's match. Instant nostalgia when they hit that Frankensteiner to Walls of Jericho spot.

-Mind blown at the Rock/Cena finish. Made no sense to do what they did considering nothing will change with Cena's character.

-They really got to do something about the order of the matches. PPV's back in the day used to always build towards the Championship/specialty matches. Now it's so dumb. Put the best match in the middle. The non title most hyped match at the end while the titles change hands at the beginning of the show. Makes no sense at all. The divas are incredibly nice to look at and I respect what the WWE does with their wide range of talent but there's no need for weak matches on a Wrestlemania card. Everything between Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena seemed tame because of the energy that those 5 superstars put into their matches and got out of the audience.

-Super NT Summit for WM29 @ Metlife. My body is ready.

I agree.  I've only been down there once, but that stadium is freaking terrible.

Punk/Jericho should have definitely gone before Taker/HHH.  And I wish they didn't throw that stupid title changes on a DQ stip in at the last second.
Super Summit next year  
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Coulda had:
Ziggler vs. Foley

Money in the Bank

Del Rio vs. Orton

Mysterio vs. Sin Cara


Foley can't go anymore.  He could barely walk at the Rumble.
Wish we had MITB instead of the stupid GM match.

Del Rio vs Orton would have been great.

Rey and Cara are injured, so nothing you can do about that.
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