WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Are there any reports going around as to why/when the decision was made to have Rock go over on Cena?
See most of these younger kids only really know John Cena they were not around when Rock was wrestling full time before the movies, When you see John Cena which every kid like now days Vs Rock when i was in middle school was as popular as John Cena is now with young kids. i just feel that Us adults know rock then and now but we got to see both eras rocks just had way more stars John Cena basically if you ask me dominate this Era hands down. CM Punk only popular cause of everyone thought Cena was gonna go bad
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I don't know if it was here but someone said that it would be great if A.J won the Divas title and that caused Bryan to snap on her for being champion and him not.

When was this?

I don't want the AJ/Dbry relationship to end
That was during the pre-show.

I wonder if they'll have a rematch on RAW, Smackdown,  Extreme Rules.

Tonight at 8pm et, a one hour edited version of the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony will air on USA.  The show will focus on The Four Horsemen, Mike Tyson, and Edge, though we should see extremely brief segments for Yokozuna, Mil Mascaras, and Ron Simmons.  The full ceremony will be available on the WrestleMania XXVIII blu-ray.


Last night's WrestleMania XXVIII has received mixed reviews.  Some loved the show.  Some hated it.  Depending on what you were looking for from the show, I can understand either perspective.  Here's my rundown of the card:

  • Sheamus d Daniel Bryan (w/ AJ) to win the World Heavyweight Title.  This was an 18 second squash match which will now be billed as the shortest title change in WrestleMania history, despite Kane actually beating Chavo Guerrero quicker for the ECW Title.  This was a horrible way to start the show, and it pissed a lot of people off giving them a negative outlook for the rest of the show.  The crowd was super hot for Daniel Bryan and WWE completely yanked the rug out from under them.  1/4*
  • Kane d Randy Orton.  Orton wasn't happy to be in this match to begin with, and once he found out he was losing, you could tell he was just out there going through the motions.  I'm hoping this doesn't lead to Kane feuding with Cena again. **
  • Santino and Mick Foley and the guy from The Deadliest Catch did some stupid comedy backstage that wasn't funny.  I'd rather Foley was out of WWE completely.
  • The Big Show d Cody Rhodes to win the Intercontinental Title.  Short match.  Show won with a spear and knockout punch to get his WrestleMania moment.  Not sure if winning the Intercontinental Title against Cody Rhodes is a WrestleMania Moment, but good for Show.  He sold it with fake tears after the match and celebrated with his wife. **
  • Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos d Eve Torres and Beth Phoenix.  Maria was a much better worker than Kelly, and for being injured, she worked a lot of the match.  I've seen much worse Divas matches, but it went too long.  *1/2
  • We are now over an hour into the show, and this show is a huge thumbs down thus far.
  • The Undertaker d HHH in Hell in a Cell with Shawn Michaels as special guest referee.  As if a thank you to us fans that ordered the PPV for putting up with the first hour+ of crap, Jim Ross came out to call this match.  HBK, HHH, and Taker all had great entrances.  Taker grew back just enough hair to pull it off, and I actually thought it was a pretty cool look for him.  All three men told an awesome story in this match.  HHH was determined to beat The Undertaker into submission.  Shawn didn't want to see Taker take the punishment anymore and was begging for him to quit.  The Undertaker refused to quit.  Both men took a ton of punishment.  HHH tried really hard to bust himself open the hardway and eventually did but didn't get much blood, just a terrible mouse around his eye.  When HBK was begging The Undertaker to quit, Taker locked him in the Hells Gate knocking him out.  Taker had HHH in the Hells Gate as well.  Taker went for the Tombstone, but HHH slipped out, shoved The Undertaker who walked right into Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels.  Taker fell back right into a Pedigree from HHH, but still managed to kick out.  Amazing stuff.  I don't know if HHH and HBK had a secret plan, or if HBK was getting revenge for Taker attacking him earlier, but this was the only time HBK was partial towards HHH.  In fact, he stopped a sledgehammer shot at another part of the match.  Taker controlled the later part of the match, and the story was he eventually beat HHH, mainly with a steel chair, to the point he could no longer continue.  HHH crawled up The Undertaker's leg.  Taker picked him up, hit the Tombstone, and HBK counted the three.  After the match, HBK and The Undertaker helped HHH to his feet and carried him to the back.  The three hugged, signifying the end of an era.  I thought these guys told an amazing story.  It may not be match of the year, but we won't see another match like this from WWE this year. ****1/2
  • Hall of Fame inductees introduced.  Woooos for Flair and a great reception for Edge who had tears in his eyes.
  • Flo Rida beat up Heath Slater backstage.
  • Team Johnny d Team Teddy.  I'm not going to run through everyone in this match and at ringside.  NO ONE cared about this match which was partially because it came after the Hell in a Cell and partially because there was no reason to care about this match from the start.  It was a freaking t-shirt match making these guys look like even bigger jobbers than they already are.  The two memorable spots for me were a triple dive to the outside from Kofi, Truth, and Ryder and a really cool monkey flip from Ziggler who did a complete 450 rotation.  The finish had Zack Ryder in control when Eve, who inexplicably came to the ring with him, got in the ring and started doing the Woo Woo Woo.  This distracted Zack.  Miz hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale to get the win for Team Johnny.  Would this be the worst thing to happen to this freaking geek loser?  HELL NO!  Eve then kicked Zack square in the nuts as the rest of his team just looked on.  Awesome.  Bury this nerd to the point he gets future endeavored. *1/2
  • Backstage John Laurinaitis told CM Punk not to lose his temper in his match because if he got DQ'd, he would lose the title.  This stipulation was thrown in out of nowhere for no reason.
  • CM Punk d Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Title.  The first half of this match was focused on the new stipulation with Jericho repeatedly insulting Punk's family leading to Punk almost getting disqualified.  This wasn't working.  Finally after about 15 minute, they were able to get into the actual match and it finished really well.  Jericho nearly beat Punk multiple times with the Lion Tamer and Walls of Jericho.  One really cool spot had Punk going for a top rope hurracanrana, but Jericho dropped down to his feet and walked Punk right into the Walls.  The finish came with Punk locking in the Anaconda Vice.  Jericho was able to position himself to hit knees to the back of Punk's head.  Punk then adjusted his position, reapplied the Vice, and got Jericho to tap out.  ***1/2
  • Brodus Clay came out, calling out his mama to dance, who was accompanied by her bridge club.  A bunch of older black women with huge butt pads danced around on stage in a pretty racist segment.
  • Machine Gun Kelly performed calling Rock egotistical and Cena an underdog.  I thought the point was to get Cena cheered?  Cena came out and got booed out of the stadium.
  • Flo Rida performed not one but TWO songs.  Finally The Rock came out to an electric pop.  It had to have been a 95/5 crowd split.
  • The Rock d John Cena.  When I saw this match went over 30 minutes, I was shocked because I didn't think it was that great of a match but at no point did I ever feel like it dragged.  I attribute this to the crowd who was on fire for this entire match.  If they did this again, I think the match should have gone about 20 minutes instead of over 30 because The Rock was completely blown up by the end, including a spot where Cena went to the top rope to hit his flying leg drop, but it took The Rock ages to get to his feet to take the move.  Both men kicked out of each other's finishers.  Both men used horrendous looking submissions.  The Rock didn't know how to properly hold Cena's legs in the Sharpshooter, and Cena applied zero pressure to Rock's neck while applying the STF.  The finish came when Cena was in control and was about to go for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but he changed his mind and went for The People's Elbow instead.  As Cena came off the ropes, The Rock popped up to his feet, caught Cena, hit him with the Rock Bottom, and got the clean victory in the middle of the ring.  The stadium went crazy.  Cena rolled out of the ring looking on in disbelief while Rock celebrated in the ring as the show went off the air. ***3/4
One of the main complains people had was that there was no surprise return by Brock Lesnar, or to a lesser extend, Dave Batista.  While rumors were flying everywhere, it was never set in stone that either of these men were going to be there, and I think the two main events came off just fine without them.  Could Lesnar have run in to have his shocking return and set up a huge match down the line with either Taker, Cena, or Rock?  Sure.  But I'm also very happy with how both of those matches turned out so I'm not complaining.

So the big question is, can you give a show that only had three good matches a thumbs up?  I can because I think the big three matches were all that good.  I'm giving this show an overall 7/10.  By no means one of the best WrestleManias ever, but it is certainly in the top third.

Tonight is traditionally the most watched and one of the biggest Raw's of the year.  The show is in Miami.  Here's what we have for tonight...

  • The Rock will be at tonight's Raw.  This will be his final live appearance until at least July, if not longer.  There is no confirmation that he will appear at Summerslam at this point, though most expect him to play some type of role.
  • Will they set up Rock vs Cena II for WrestleMania XXIX tonight?  I really hope not.  I don't see any reason that this match needs to have another one year build.  It didn't do them any favors this year.  Plus, after last night's match, I don't think there is a clambering for a rematch.  I have no problem if they do Rock vs Cena again next year, but let's let the year play out to see if that's the best match for business a year from now.
  • Do not expect The Undertaker, HHH, or Shawn Michaels at Raw tonight.  In fact, I wouldn't expect them around for a long, long time.  Last year, HHH unofficially set up their rematch the night after Mania.  Don't expect anything like that this year.
  • WWE is promoting that the Team Johnny Era begins tonight.  John Lauranitis is now in charge of both Raw and Smackdown.
  • Most everyone is expecting a rematch between CM Punk and Chris Jericho at Extreme Rules four weeks from now (in Chicago).  We'll see what they do to start to set that up tonight.
  • And then the million dollar question... Does Brock Lesnar return tonight?  If you want the most possible viewers with the biggest possible impact to see Brock's return, then he should return tonight.  This does scare me though, because it also means WWE may be rushing to put together a storyline to get him on TV, and we know how bad things can be when WWE has their illogical storylines.  We shall see.

The one point I want to make about Brock is that he is VERY different than The Rock.  The Rock returned because he really does love the business.  If Brock returns, he is returning strictly for the money.  He doesn't like pro wrestling.  That's why he left in the first place.  He doesn't like doing media.  We've seen that through his UFC days.  He doesn't like doing scripted material.  Look how hard of a time WWE had just getting him to cut a promo for the WWE video game this past year.  Just because Brock is returning, I wouldn't say it is any guarantee he actually makes it the entire year to WrestleMania XXIX.  Brock may get fed up with WWE.  WWE may get fed up with Brock.  It's going to be a very interesting year to see if this actually works out.
So they'll be announcing the main event for WM29 tonight?

Will be dvr'ing RAW due to the National Title Game but I dont think that starts until like 9:30
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

So they'll be announcing the main event for WM29 tonight? 
Not necssarily.  I actually hope they don't unless they have something really good planned.  If they just announce Cena vs Rock II, it's a waste.
I hope Vince and Bruno can come to an agreement to have him inducted into the Hall of Fame next year.  Being in NY/NJ, that is where Bruno deserves to go in.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Has CM Punk and Bryan Danielson wrestled in WWE before?
Yeah they wrestled too many times actually
I'm pretty sure they've only wrestled 2 or 3 times ...

That match on Smackdown was *%*%%*@ epic and it didn't even have a proper ending. Punk and Danielson are the two best in ring talents in wwe right now.

Thought wwe was going to set up a Punk vs Danielson match champ vs champ down the road with an actual winner. If Danielson beat sheamus it would have really elevated him as a credible heel and he would be a great opponent for punk. They also could have unified the WWE title and WHC with this match but no its all screwed up . Hopefully wwe doesnt just drop DB down to midcard again
Thinking about it, I am still somewhat shocked that Cena lost last night. Logic would dictate he gets revenge at some point, perhaps at an earlier bigger name PPV to help the buyrate, against the Rock. While I certainly didnt mind the 365 day advanced notice of this year's main event, actually was a fan of it, I cant see it being the right choice for WM29, unless of course its not Rock & Cena.
Flair getting divorced to go out drinking and partying 

It's definitely sad how his life has turned out, but he's lived one hell of a life.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Flair getting divorced to go out drinking and partying 

It's definitely sad how his life has turned out, but he's lived one hell of a life.

It's amazing to me how crappy TNA flair is
but how regal and debonair WWE flair is
After that brodus clay segment last night I'm convinced that someone from the Black community did Vince dirty back in the day that he mows feels the need to put on this blatant racist characters and skits...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Flair getting divorced to go out drinking and partying 

It's definitely sad how his life has turned out, but he's lived one hell of a life.


Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Flair getting divorced to go out drinking and partying 

It's definitely sad how his life has turned out, but he's lived one hell of a life.

It's amazing to me how crappy TNA flair is
but how regal and debonair WWE flair is
Rusty, you crack me up 

You have one of those word of the day calendars?
Originally Posted by masondid

After that brodus clay segment last night I'm convinced that someone from the Black community did Vince dirty back in the day that he mows feels the need to put on this blatant racist characters and skits...


BTW, Heard Goldberg is in Miami...............
Originally Posted by masondid

After that brodus clay segment last night I'm convinced that someone from the Black community did Vince dirty back in the day that he mows feels the need to put on this blatant racist characters and skits...

It was probably multiple black people.
He hit that racist breaking point,

where you've been messed with by members of one race to the point where you just don't like the race.

Knowing Vince's history some body messed that boy up bad.
Those videos with the little boys are yet another illustration why Cena will never turn heel.

You'd think Cena died last night the way they were carrying on.

That little girl was adorable though, bless her heart.
It's always crazy to think that before 2006, Edge was just a great worker. He achieved Hall of Fame status in just 5 years. A great man.
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