WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Disrespectful to mention ** **** and AJ with Austin, Rock, and Foley.  Cornette is my guy too, but I can't condone that
nothing beats seeing her naked on PPV as a kid

I dont take umbrage with Punk listed because in all honesty, of his generation, he was the best in the business just like those guys were during their generations. AJ though meh, Cornette was probably being cheeky with that one.

I dont take umbrage with Punk listed because in all honesty, of his generation, he was the best in the business just like those guys were during their generations. AJ though meh, Cornette was probably being cheeky with that one.
He had a nice little run, but I think Cena was, and still is, the biggest star of ** ****'s generation.
He had a nice little run, but I think Cena was, and still is, the biggest star of ** ****'s generation.
No one can dispute that he was one of the top stars of his generation. But unlike Cena, they never really got fully behind him.

His name definitely shouldn't be up there with Rock, Austin, Hogan.

I'd put him in the Macho Man/Bret Hart/Sean Michaels tier. He wasn't a huge needle mover (which wasn't his fault with the company screaming John Cena). He'll always be known as a great promo, solid worker and some solid angles (Hardy, Cena, Rock, Mysterio, etc).

I wish he would've gotten a chance to have an angle with Michaels and Rollins, avenged his loss with HHH and headlined Mania.
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I'd put him in the Macho Man/Bret Hart/Sean Michaels tier. He wasn't a huge needle mover (which wasn't his fault with the company screaming John Cena). He'll always be known as a great promo, solid worker and some solid angles (Hardy, Cena, Rock, Mysterio, etc).
** **** wishes he was on the level of HBK, come on now.
if we're gonna look at it strictly based on generation, he was the second best in the company to cena (although he was 10x the performer of cena). punk got a lot of people back into the product. it's not fair comparing him to the hbk's and rocky's but his impact during his generation is on par with theirs during their eras.
Some consider Michaels to be the greatest of all time. But I'm saying from a draw/buy rate level.

You can't compare Michaels to Rocky or Austin (or Hogan). Flair maybe.

Also, I'd say he didn't have as long a WWE career as Michaels.
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Here are the different tiers and where I would rate Punk..

Tier 1 (the ones who had the most impact on the busness): Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, John Cena

Tier 2 (guys who were never really THE guy, but they were top stars and still had a major impact on the business) : Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Brock Lesnar, Ric Flair

Tier 3 (guys who were main eventers, had some impact on the business) : Kurt Angle, Batista, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Mick Foley, Edge, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho

Tier 4 (upper mid carders/occasional main eventers) : Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Kane, Jeff Hardy, Booker T
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Remember when Ms Kat showed her ******* during the Attitude Era. It was a December PPV. She had nice perky set on her.
You got alot of ppl saying 31 was the best mania ever.

Have you guys ranked it yet?

It's definitely a top five mania...might put it above wrestlemania 30. I need to rewatch Cena/rusev again to really decide.

Reigns vs. Lesnar (vs. Rollins) is still :wow: though. Might be my favorite Mania main event ever and a top five Mania match Idc idc
Remember when Ms Kat showed her ******* during the Attitude Era. It was a December PPV. She had nice perky set on her.

Yup. Which got her canned, and indirectly led to Lawler having to have her back, and quitting/leaving for a couple years haha.
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