WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Where's Tamina been? Still injured? I wanna see her beat up some **** again





Michaels is the greatest performer in the ring I've ever seen. To say he's not tier 1 is upsetting me.
More than just in-ring ability though.

HBK never transcended the sport. You couldn't walk up to a random old white woman and ask her who HBK were.

You however COULD do that with Big Hulk, Rock, Stones, and Big Andre. 

So yea, HBK isn't top tier
Michaels is the greatest performer in the ring I've ever seen. To say he's not tier 1 is upsetting me.
More than just in-ring ability though.

HBK never transcended the sport. You couldn't walk up to a random old white woman and ask her who HBK were.

You however COULD do that with Big Hulk, Rock, Stones, and Big Andre. 

So yea, HBK isn't top tier

Agreed, unfortunately (for HBK). That's why even though people my laugh at Kittie's tiers, it's fairly accurate. It just sucks that Booker, Eddie and Benoit can't be thought of as higher when it comes to transcending/defining an era
Tier makes WAY more sense than trying to rank people individually. I always endorse tiered ranking systems in sports.

Like why would I waste time arguing who is better between CP3, Westbrook, and Steph Curry. Waste of TIME.

So yea, if you are bigger than the sport, first tier
How did he not transcend the sport. DX was founded and made for him Not trips. He in sense started the attitude era!
How did he not transcend the sport. DX was founded and made for him Not trips. He in sense started the attitude era!
Again, if I were to walk on the streets of Fargo, ND in the year 1998 and asked an old fat white woman if she knew who HBK was, she wouldn't.

Nobody knows dude outside of wrestling fans
Again, if I were to walk on the streets of Fargo, ND in the year 1998 and asked an old fat white woman if she knew who HBK was, she wouldn't.

Nobody knows dude outside of wrestling fans

What does the mainstream appeal of someone have to do with their place in wrestling?

Edit: you're looking at the whole population when you should only be looking at the sample of wrestling fans.
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HBK, Brett and Austin started the Attitude Era (as well as the salacious women, gang factions, etc).

But then again, Shawn has always been a sexy boy.

My question about the tiers...is can you lump Flair, Macho, Ultimate Warrior in the same tier as Hart, Michaels, etc?
What does the mainstream appeal of someone have to do with their place in wrestling?
Because the name of the game is to draw money and put seats in the arena.

If you are bringing up someone who has limited time as being the Top Draw of a major company, you just can't put them in the same category of people that were responsible for filling out arenas and bringing in PPV buys.

Mainstream appeal is very important because that helps generate buzz for the business to outsiders. Superstar status means you are able to grab the attention of non-wrestling fans, to the business. Why is that important? Check back to my #1 point.

Again, nobody is saying HBK is a bum or something but he was never THE man when wrestling was flourishing. He was a wrestling star, those other dudes were actual celebrities
HBK, Brett and Austin started the Attitude Era (as well as the salacious women, gang factions, etc).

But then again, Shawn has always been a sexy boy.

My question about the tiers...is can you lump Flair, Macho, Ultimate Warrior in the same tier as Hart, Michaels, etc?
Macho Man's legacy is funny. Macho Man actually had outside of wrestling appeal. Due to his character and affiliation with Slim Jim especially. But he was never THE man IN the world of wrestling. I compare everything to basketball or wrestling. Macho Man's legacy reminds me of someone like Vince Carter. Folks outside of the sport know him because of his ability and commecials, but he was never THE best player in his sport.

So I don't know where I would put Macho Man on that tier list. I would probably lean toward the 2nd tier with Bret/HBK though.
Macho Man's legacy is funny. Macho Man actually had outside of wrestling appeal. Due to his character and affiliation with Slim Jim especially. But he was never THE man IN the world of wrestling. I compare everything to basketball or wrestling. Macho Man's legacy reminds me of someone like Vince Carter. Folks outside of the sport know him because of his ability and commecials, but he was never THE best player in his sport.

So I don't know where I would put Macho Man on that tier list. I would probably lean toward the 2nd tier with Bret/HBK though.
Stop man... please.

Macho was  a major force and a champ.
Stop man... please.

Macho was  a major force and a champ.
He was a major force. He was a champ. But he was never at the very top of the promotion. He was always around that Top 2/3 slot. He was never the face of the company.

If you haven't been the face of the company during a time in which the company flourished, how can you honestly be Top Tier?
I ask because they were lumped in with Hart, Michaels, etc.

I feel like Ultimate Warrior and Macho transcended Wrestling. Ultimate Warrior appeared on talk shows and sold massive merchandise. Big hit with the kids. He definitely shot himself in the foot. Vince had a huge hard on for the guy despite how erratic he was and the poor work rate.

Macho besides his ring/promo work was famous for peddling Slim Jims, movies, etc.

Flair, besides 16X, was probably the greatest heel of the 80s to mid 90s. I think the issue with his WWF run is the company pushed faces moreso than heels prior to the Attitude Era. Probably why Rude never made it big.
Ultimate Warrior: Again, not sure how much he drew as a #1. He had popularity outside the sport like Macho Man but when he was #1, did the attendence drop? Not sure. 

@4wrestling   ?
He was a major force. He was a champ. But he was never at the very top of the promotion. He was always around that Top 2/3 slot. He was never the face of the company.

If you haven't been the face of the company during a time in which the company flourished, how can you honestly be Top Tier?
But you have to remember that Macho (besides WCW) was mostly a heel. Same as Flair. So it'll never be the same as a Hogan, Cena, etc.

Like I said before, WCW's approach to their treatment of heels was different than WWE's. Look at Vader, Flair, Rude, etc.

Now that we're talking about it. WWF/E has also been terrible at its treatment of tag teams. Not to say they didn't have some great teams...but they weren't in the same league (Road Warriors, Powers of Pain, Steiner Brothers, Midnight Express, Rock'n'Roll Express, Doom, Hollywood Blondes, etc).
Being a heel is an advantage. When you are a heel people are willing to pay to see you get whooped. (IE: Ali/Floyd). So being a heel has nothing to do with anything. 
Being a heel is an advantage. When you are a heel people are willing to pay to see you get whooped. (IE: Ali/Floyd). So being a heel has nothing to do with anything. 
Yes...but has the WWF, before the Attitude Era, ever have really strong heels like you described?

Flair and Rude were those type of heels. Vader was similar to how Brock was booked before turning baby face.

Flair was going territory to territory drawing money to hopefully catch that L.
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