WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Probably touched upon many times, but what do you NTWT fam think of the Montreal Screwjob?

I always thought it was a bit of a work.
Him and Bret were...

Yes. I'm not taking anything away from either. But it was literally all Vince had at the time besides Taker.

All the big stars were in Dubya Cee Dubya.

If Vince could have cherry picked Flair, Hogan, etc then we could really have a true debate. Like Steph told Sting, it was a small pond back then. The competition wasn't there. Shawn and Brett were only there for the beginning of the attitude era.

I don't think it's fair to compare Flair to Michaels or Hart. He's probably a tier higher. Just not mega star territory.
2 topics I never want to hear or talk about again: Montreal screw job and the monday night wars! Ugggg I'm so over them.

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Watched Brock/Reigns/Seth again. Jesus, Reigns got his *** kicked :lol: :lol: guess i didn't realize it the first time around
He got in 2 super man punches a spear and threw brock in the pole from what I remember and that was the extent of his offense the entire match :lol:
I don't think it was intentional. Brock just forgot to pull back before he hit the pole head first imo.
I need to re watch mania again. Maybe tomorrow morning
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Brock being busted open added that little extra piece to the story to make Roman look strong and Lesnar vulnerable/human.
Roman got 2 minutes of offense at most I don't see why he was saying he had that match in his interview on smackdown. Brock was about to put him away until Seth came
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