Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

they need to have jack swagger and zeb come out to this at wrestlemania

The heat would be insane.

Glad to see my boy Kurt get some respect in that discussion. I might go back and watch some of his better matches.

El Generico is a lame gimmick and I don't really care that they're doing away with it.
Didn't get to watch Main Event this week, but by WWE standards it seems like Sin Cara is the No.1 contender to the U.S title.
Sin Cara VS Cesaro @ WM? After seeing this match and how great Cesaro meshes with Sin Cara I wouldn't mind.

So glad they got rid of the Lighting.
AJ was the sole reason I started watching WWE again, but now she's lost her appeal to me. Kaitlyn took her place in my heart. :D
Who do you guys think is the greatest wrestler of all time? Greatest In-Ring Worker and Greatest all around (In Ring, Mic, etc)

*Note: Not including anything from NWA, AWA, or the territory days. Different time and different era. Not including International as well since a majority of us haven't had the privilege to watch over seas wrestling
So basically WWF/E discussion :smh:
That Antonio sin cara match was so good. Just goes to show that cara can go when he has someone carrying him in balance with WWE style. Only hunico has pulled off a similar feat. Good stuff.
Who do you guys think is the greatest wrestler of all time? Greatest In-Ring Worker and Greatest all around (In Ring, Mic, etc)

*Note: Not including anything from NWA, AWA, or the territory days. Different time and different era. Not including International as well since a majority of us haven't had the privilege to watch over seas wrestling
So basically WWF/E discussion
That's what the majority of this thread is. Why are you surprised?
So basically WWF/E discussion :smh:

Yeah basically. If you wanna discuss NWA/AWA bring the topic up. The majority of people here only watched WCW and WWF/E. I don't think its fair to analyze wrestlers from the territory area. Most of us weren't alive to know the impact it had on pro wrestling.
OHHHHHH I cant wait! The Hard Bodies are stretching out, oiling up, and getting ready to take the gold at Mania. Better make sure the road is clear on the way to Mania because we will be looking for more than gold... ladies
you want to make a difference in the world heres your chance..


This petition would make May 20th, the day Savage tragically passed away, a nationally recognized day of remembrance. Here's exactly what the petition describes:

Macho Man Randy Savage was a national treasure loved by everyone who watched him on television or knew him personally. No matter if you knew him from Slim Jim commercials or his wrestling career, you felt a deep connection with Savage. Tragically, the world lost him on May 20, 2011. This petition is to set aside that day every year as a celebration and remembrance of the Macho Man's life and to keep his legacy alive for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

If we can join together and simply get 100,000 signatures on this petition by April 4th, 2013 then the White House will review and offer an official statement on May 20th being the day of the legend, Macho Man Randy Savage.
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So basically WWF/E discussion :smh:

You obviously didn't see my answer of Flair and Steamboat..I disregarded the "no NWA" thing and put who I thought was the best in ring workers..Flair vs. Steamboat fighting over the NWA belt was, perhaps, the greatest series of matches in wrestling history..
Since I'm pretty much out of it right now and sore as hell, I'm laid up mostly watching New York Undercover some random matches. Here ya go DC.

Edge vs Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle (Smackdown 2002)

Chris Jericho vs Kanyon (TV Title 98)

Low-Ki vs Alex Kozlov (NJPW 2012)

New Age Outlaws vs Kane & Mankind ('98)
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