Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

Well you know I might not care too much about mic skills even though you asked to fit it in.

My list of best I have ever seen (American soil)


When I think of wrestlers I wouldn't mind watching their matchographies, these are the folks that come to mind.

Of course the first 4 have weak mic skills (Guerrero got much better in his WWE days) but these are my dudes. Can make ANYONE look good in the ring.
Just realized another wrestler that was one of the best ever and nobody mentioned..Curt Hennig..Dude was great in the ring and had superior mic skills..He could make anyone look good and told great stories in the ring..His feud with Bret is definitely one of the best WWF IC feuds..
Just realized another wrestler that was one of the best ever and nobody mentioned..Curt Hennig..Dude was great in the ring and had superior mic skills..He could make anyone look good and told great stories in the ring..His feud with Bret is definitely one of the best WWF IC feuds..
One of the best/funniest sellers in the business.
Hooked up the Ps2. Popped in Fire Pro Wrestling. Have spent the last hour in edit mode just messing around. My goodness how deep this game is.

Jim Ross @JRsBBQ
Excited to broadcast 2nd QT of #Celtics vs @okcthunder Sun at noon w/ @SeanGrandePBP on WEEI & nba.com. Hope you tune in.
Jim Ross @JRsBBQ
Excited to broadcast 2nd QT of #Celtics vs @okcthunder Sun at noon w/ @SeanGrandePBP on WEEI & nba.com. Hope you tune in.

He did this last year when the Celtics were in Oklahoma too and was actually very good. He knows his basketball. Sean Grande the Celtics Radio guy is a huge WWF/ E fan and regularly makes references to wrestling in his hoops broadcasts.
The fact that Cole and Lawler have an announce table to do their stupid schtick behind every week, while JR rots away is a travesty..
Jim Ross @JRsBBQ
Excited to broadcast 2nd QT of #Celtics vs @okcthunder Sun at noon w/ @SeanGrandePBP on WEEI & nba.com. Hope you tune in.

He did this last year when the Celtics were in Oklahoma too and was actually very good. He knows his basketball. Sean Grande the Celtics Radio guy is a huge WWF/ E fan and regularly makes references to wrestling in his hoops broadcasts.


Man I might do a cruiserweight tourney in mine. :pimp:
Downloaded a pack, about to have a WWE World Title Tournament

Big Show
Mark Henry
Del Rio

Not sure how I want to set up the brackets. Maybe if the higher seeds win a Punk/Cena final will happen.

I will control Punk

Punk vs Ziggler
Orton vs. Henry
Jericho vs. Kane
Danielson vs. Sheamus
Big Show vs. Del Rio
Mysterio vs. Cena
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first person to make me a birthday thread tomorrow gets pushed to the moon
For those of you WWE 13 fans, here is a game mode from Fire Pro that is essentially the Be A GM Mode. But you have soooooooo much more depth with this version. This is from the Gameboy Advanced version of Fire Pro. If you are interested in "getting it" I can find the game for you

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