Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

Angle went to clothesline Brisco but he ducked and Angle clotheslined ref Brian Hebner who did a complete backflip selling.

Angle got Brisco in the anklelock.  Brisco tapped out but no ref.  Then Angle walked out of the cage, but the ref was still down.  D-Lo attacked Angle from behind and threw him back into the cage.  D-Lo then pulled Brisco out of the cage.  Hebner woke up and Brisco got the win.  Horrible finish.
Pissed D'Lo didn't do a Lo'Down or Sky High off the cage. I'll probably end up watching some D'Lo matches after I was this Umaga/Carlito/Anderson match
There is no top of the cage with weapons like previous Lethal Lockdowns.  Instead, Sting (the final entrant) just brought a bunch of weapons down to the ring.
They did a 6 man tower suplex/powerbomb spot off the corner of the cage with Bischoff being the man all the way at the top.
Even though i doubt the storyline is over, this loss by A&8's should end what had potential at one time.

Wes Briscoe winning?! :x

What a joke.
Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff hit the cage and attack Jeff Hardy.

Bully Ray attacked Brisco and Bischoff so he's not joining Aces and Eights.
Devon in the cage gave the hammer to Bully.

Bully pointed at Hogan and then clocked Hardy with the hammer to get the win and win the title.
"Hulk, I used you.  Brooke, I screwed you."


And they're the aluminum bottles.  These guys better get the hell out of there.

Bully just said he is the president of Aces and Eights.
They would have gotten pelted in the face if there wasn't a cage there :lol:

Don't watch much TNA but I had a feeling that Bully was gonna win tonight after all the times I've seen this thread **** on TNA for not putting the strap on him.
What a better way to push him than how they did tonight.
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