Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

first person to make me a birthday thread tomorrow gets pushed to the moon

I got this.

On behalf of the club that believes in the Club. I will make this thread. Not because I want to get pushed, but because the NTWT savior deserves a birthday thread of his own. I'm going to Baskin Robins to order an ice cream cake. I hope you like mint chocolate chip.

:evil: :evil:
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@ Chris daniels "we're gonna drop you all just like verizon wireless"
Checking in.

Why the hell is Joe Park facing Joey Ryan?  I didn't even know Joey Ryan was still around.
Bully Ray has to be turning heel tonight.  He just has to be.  This backstage segment with Hogan telling him he's finally accepting him as his son is so over the top.
They should have kept Lockdown all cage matches

This hogan crap
Cant wait for the bully ray heel turn tonight
they musta thought they were buying wwe tickets.

havent watched wrestling for the longest. has bully ray ever won the world title yet?
Chavo hit he Frog Splash on Daniels, but as Chavo was coming off the ropes, Roode slapped his foot, so Chavo was no longer the legal man.  Roode through Chavo out of the ring and made the cover on Daniels to retain the titles.  I assume that since Roode/Aries retained the titles that Roode has signed a new deal with TNA and it's not just a one night thing.  Of course, this is TNA we're talking about.
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