Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Was about to ask what year this was cause I don’t remember Saturn having some of those tattoos in 00-01 but I see they’re talking about Rock, Austin, and the NWO heading into Mania, so it’s the top of 2002. Good match here. Both guys got a lot of **** in but it didn’t feel like they were just spamming moves. Nice crowd too. Saturn’s elbow is an underrated one :pimp:, especially how he bounces right back up after impact.
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I'm gonna need to see Rhonda and Charles do this

Do you actually like this stuff or do you watch for the fap coma?

Stardom is the most well-booked wrestling promotion in the world right now.

New Japan has been in a slump since before COVID. You can skip them for now.

MLW was solid before they went on a break.

So I say Stardom
damn 3 heart attacks simultaneously??

a miracle hes still alive.

hopefully he pulls through.

**** is scary when it comes to heart attacks ☹
It's BEEN a problem but too many companies "waste" slamming BIG men in such meaningless situations.
I hate that these big men/monsters/giants nowadays are trying to do too much "cruiserweight spots" and allowing themselves to be thrown around..Seems like they're trying to prove how athletic they are instead of proving how big/powerful they are..#StrangeTimes
Keith Lee should’ve taken a longer layoff to get healthier. Still trying to do all those CW moves while being bigger than before is silly. It’s like if Vader back in 2005 was still trying to do moonsaults
What wrestling opinion do you guys have that would be deemed unpopular by most?

Evolution the greatest faction in history
Dbry's wwe run is pretty bland, including the title buildup
Punk was a great champion and his reasons for leaving were completely valid

Daniel bryan sucks imo all the back to his indie days. Was never a fan

Bork a ***** and has no respect for the wrestling.

Dean Malenko is the best in ring wrestler of all time no debate....

No way jose :pimp:

NXT is better than raw

The miz is :pimp:

I got more but im sleepy lol

:smh: DCBatman DCBatman
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