Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

SOLID episode of Dymatize. They don't need all these dumb gimmicky matches to put on a good show. Too much hemophiliac stuff in this episode though.

Rush is GOODT man but someone should tell him that he needs to sell more. Especially to the interim champ. This dude got up after almost every move like nothing.

Waaaay too soon to put a belt a belt on HOOK but EYE guess he's been getting over so much that next logical step is to put that beginners belt on him. What's next for Ricky Starks? He's hot at the moment. I thought maybe they would throw a third wheel into the mix and have him and Hobbs go for the Trios title but that got snubbed out quick.

In addition to all the belts already in circulation BOTY wants to introduce a Trios belt :smh:
EYE can already see them giving it to the goofy Best Friends and Orange Cornball.

Jungle Boy shot his best shot. That's the most I've ever heard him talk.

Skye Bae looking cute at ringside.

Why are they acting like D-Bry and Daniel Garcia didn't just have a match a few weeks ago? Also :lol: at World's most technical sports-entertainer.

Seems like a lot of the young up and comers got exposure in this episode. Too bad Gresham wasn't around for it.

** Power slams and Piledrivers are APPRECIATED
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"Another story talents are sharing includes that Gresham used his ranking in the Pro Wrestling Illustrated magazine PWI 500 list as an argument as to why he should be presented better"


"Another story talents are sharing includes that Gresham used his ranking in the Pro Wrestling Illustrated magazine PWI 500 list as an argument as to why he should be presented better"


There's gotta be more to this story. They hadn't even started to use him yet how could he be upset at how he's being presented. Did he actually have any matches on any of the AEW shows? I think all he did was cut a promo.
If he didn't leave because of dropping the belt then there wasn't enough of him in AEW for him to be pissed off about
There's gotta be more to this story. They hadn't even started to use him yet how could he be upset at how he's being presented. Did he actually have any matches on any of the AEW shows? I think all he did was cut a promo.
If he didn't leave because of dropping the belt then there wasn't enough of him in AEW for him to be pissed off about

He had a title match against Bandido at the first Tony Khan RoH PPV and another against Dalton Castle at Battle of the Belts...few matches on Rampage I think

And then the one promo
Hook may be one of the best booked guys across any company :lol:

Putting the title on Hook was a smart move. Continue to build up his mystique and let him grow in the ring without having put one of the major singles belt on a somewhat green wrestler.

Of course the obvious homage to his father and the history with that belt.

Plus it allows (hopefully) a talent like Ricky Starks to not be pigeonholed by the FTW championship and compete for belt that are on higher status in the company (hopefully).

Don't know where they're going with this Hobbs angle but EYE will #Waitandsee
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