Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

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Thoughts on Omega's promo to the fans after Dynamite went off air last week?

Found it hilarious when he said that he and the YBs were "not a nostalgia/tribute act" yet they've been doing the wolfpack hand sign since they were in Japan.

Just watched. Eh, I don't have any problems with anything he said. Gave off some Danielson "FICKLE!" vibes there haha.
Just fired up Dynamites.

Bryanson/Jericho segment was good once Daniel “Negative Charisma” Garcia got off the screen.

Good tv match from Revival Guy and Lethal. Don’t watch TNA so not really familiar with Motor City Machines.

Thunder being hurt sucks. Wish they’d stop with the stupid interim champions. Dumb.

Gunn match was trash.

Feel like crowd doesn’t care about DMD like they once did. Used to be very over.

Toni Ziggs lose her cakes?
Boring Dean Ambrose needs to go back to his original A&W theme. Wild Thing should only be for special matches or something like that. Dumb for him to come out to that every week.

Squash match :rofl:

So stupid. Just strip him of the belt and let him get his shot when he’s actually ready to go. #BookerOfTheYear though I guess.

Hopefully someone gets the belt off Boring Dean ASAP.

“What an amazing moment” :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Entertaining main event.

Like having Neville back. Get him as far away from that bum Kip Saban as possible though. Dude sucks.

Ocean Spray needs a singles run in a company that actually matters ASAP.
First TK saddled my dude Miro with that bum Kip Sabian.

Now they're doing the same to PAC. :smh:

My mans hasn't eem defended the All Atlantic title on Dynamite or Rampage.
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