Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

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Thoughts on Omega's promo to the fans after Dynamite went off air last week?

Found it hilarious when he said that he and the YBs were "not a nostalgia/tribute act" yet they've been doing the wolfpack hand sign since they were in Japan.

I don't like that it made it to the internet less than a day after he cut it. And I don't mean a fan phone cam, I mean AEW Hard Cam video footage of it. I get it was after a match and from the heart, but I just don't care for it.

Help me understand how AEW decided who was going to be in the interim women's title match.

FellowchuckerMikey FellowchuckerMikey
Pretty simple it was the people who were already in the title picture storyline and Shida whos a former champion with history with Brit Baker.

Seems fairly obvious to me.
This is just common sense lol. Wrestling isn’t real and injuries happen

What I am asking for has nothing to do with the rankings.

If a title has to vacated, I don't understand why the Top 4 women aren't put in the 4-way match.

Not sure why that is viewed too much to ask for.

"Wrestling isn't real" ( aka: "It's just wrestling ) isn't an excuse to remove logic from booking.
Also the top 2 contenders are in the match lol and they were directly referenced for the reason for the upcoming tag title match.

There were 4 slots available.

You are only focusing on 2 for some reason.

What is the point of rankings if they aren't consistently used?

Slots 3 and 4 should also be in the match.

Also, why is it being decided in a 4-way or whatever the they are doing?

Why not a tournament like the men?
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