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Fightful is reporting that the backstage altercation that led to Eddie Kingston's suspension started with an unaired promo cut by Sammy Guevara. While initial reports suggested that Kingston had taken exception to Guevara calling him a "fat piece of s***," Fightful indicated that it wasn't the comment, so much as Guevara's behavior in the months leading up to the comment, as well as the way Guevara carried himself after the comment, that primarily led to Kingston's anger.

According to Fightful, Kingston had asked to work with Guevara, despite the fact that Guevara had been deemed 'difficult' in his programs with Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page and Sonjay Dutt. Kingston took umbrage at the fact that, despite there being numerous limitations on what Kingston could bring up about Guevara in regards to his personal life, Guevara not only took the very personal shot, but when confronted about it afterwards, Guevara reportedly just smiled in Kingston's face, which led to Kingston pie-facing Guevara. Guevara then complained about Kingston getting physical, and Kingston was suspended for two weeks. The promo itself, meanwhile, was edited out of "AEW Rampage."

When asked for comment by Fightful, Kingston reportedly refused to confirm this version of events, but simply stated, "I was wrong. That is all."
PWI has confirmed that Thunder Rosa is struggling with a disc issue in her back that she had been trying to power through as of late, and notes that there is currently no timetable on her return.
She better take her time and get all the way healed before she even thinks of a return..Especially considering she works with, what is quite possibly, the most untalented and unskilled division in the history of pro wrestling..The chances of her getting hurt really bad is very high..
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