Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

That’s Royal Rumble Dreamcast status

Iyo Sky on her name change: “I think that the image of the former ‘Shirai’ is conveyed in kanji to Japanese people, but that’s not the case in the United States. I think it’s a good name because the image is conveyed by adding ‘Sky’ there. ‘Io’ was the first capital letter and the second lowercase ‘Io’ in the alphabet. That’s why some people misread it because it looked like a lowercase letter L and O (lo), or it looked like a number. I think it became easier to understand with ‘IYO’ in all capital letters.”


:lol: @ "LOW
Is there an official list of who's going to be in the game?..I don't play games, but I'd be interested to see the roster..
Was it because of when FTR signed they already started scans? Trying to give AEW benefit of the doubt here.

They were reportedly already scanned then subsequently removed.

Like I said before, makes no sense if that was the case.

In full #Waitandsee mode with Fight Forever.
An unbiased soul once said the game looked sus. The masses shouted him down.

I've liked what I've seen so far with the No Mercy-esque gameplay and I knew the roster wouldn't exactly replicate current AEW (which is a problem for wrestling games as a whole ) but the omission of FTR from the base roster is "mind bottlin"

Fight Forever wasn't gonna be a day one cop for me either way, just like 2K22.
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