Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Ain't mad at it..Although I do think their finisher is probably the worst tag team finisher in history..

Would really love to see Honner bring the glory back to the tag division..I hear Viking Machine Raiders War is coming back and the one dork's wife (Sara Something) is gonna be their manager..

The move is so terrible that its self-explanatory.

I dont understand how Anderson slamming dudes feet to the ground is devastating.

I hope they get a better debut than the last one.

I ditched work and my family to go see it live.
That return was everything for me. Even tho it looks like my man had been eating really good :lol:

If Bo is back for a faction I say let’s do it!
How are they doing this reverse shadow thing?

Someone explain it to me as if I were an idiot (I am)
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