Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

So even Rosa is acknowledging that she's a terrible manager.  So what exactly is her role? 

Brodus Clay is officially played out.
4w, I read your post about Sting..It's just too long to try and quote, but I'll just add a few thoughts..I think you're wrong about Sting..And I doubt anything I say, or interview I post, or NTWT member I quote will change your mind..I will say that you not being a WCW fan before the Outsiders angle probably skews your view on Sting just a little bit since you didn't really watch him or WCW at the time..And I can't get behind the notion that Sting is to blame for a period of time WCW wasn't doing good business..Because even though I'd say he, along with Flair, was the face of the company, it's not just up to one or two men to make an organization successful..There is just too many factors to determine why a company doesn't draw money during a certain period..There's a few other points I was going to make, but to be honest I'm exhausted right now and not feeling too hot..I do think we should take this debate out of the normal thread and make it thread on it's own..Maybe we can turn it into a weekly series of debates about a "hot button" issue of wrestling past and present..
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by jmal519


Anyway I can get download links to those audio files you posted for your Sting post? I have a long drive home tonight and wanted something good to listen to. Thanks


Quick recap so I can know if these are worth my time?
See the 1st page.
I didn't think anyone could have grosser legs than Kaitlyn, but then Hornswoggle took his pants off 
@4W, ok I read it.

Question fellas. About V. Guerrero. Do you think she is still a charity case considering what happened to Eddie? Does she have some sort of job for life?

Also, do you think she is getting it from somebody in the business?

She has improved, what the hell happened.
God, Vickie is so disgusting..I don't care is she was Eddie wife or not, she needs to be out of the wrestling business ASAP..
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I didn't think anyone could have grosser legs than Kaitlyn, but then Hornswoggle took his pants off 

yo i really didn't feel right saying anything about em.. but gotdamn, those are some HIDEOUS looking things
And this is why I hate 3 hour Raws.
The guy who was having amazing matches with Randy Orton and CM Punk is now taking flying head scissors from Hornswoggle.

Anyone notice how they've shown Lesnar taking out 3 of TNA's biggest stars tonight? (Hogan, Hardy, Angle)
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

They've showed Brock burying the whole TNA roster tonight. 

Just noticed that 

Logged in just to say that. 

Am I tripping or did Cole get up from the table and throw his hands up when King made the "Other white meat aka pig joke" about Vicki?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by masondid

Wrestlezone is reporting that Tough Enough winner Big Andy is been released...
I know this has been covered but one last note on Andy. TE was bound to fail after (ESP after Martin got hurt).WWE let a mark win a contest over a seasoned, experienced wrestler like Matt Cross (And LOLWWE didn't even give Aries a chance) I mean no disrespect to Andy, but he wasn't a #*%$%$@ wrestler, he was a fan who wanted to be a wrestler, and this was not the right route. (Even if he was in FCW prior to TE)

That being said he'll be in TNA in no time.


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