Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

He will certainly pass flair unless he gets injured or something but How many championships you think Cena will have when it's all said and done? 20?
Hero is a great worker, but never been a big fan of dude... He was at his best as the KOW with Claudio...

I problem with Cena winning, since he'll probably drop them to Brock at Summerfest...
While Cena winning doesn't really bother me, I still feel as if he can go an extended period of time without holding gold and it won't take anything away from him.
While Cena winning doesn't really bother me, I still feel as if he can go an extended period of time without holding gold and it won't take anything away from him.
I agree with this, but who would you have rather seen win last night then? For sake of this argument, I'm going to exclude Bray/Reigns/Cesaro because it's a little too early to put the straps on any of them..
I think people are upset because there is never a build to a cena title reign. Its used to feel big when someone won the title cause there was road to it or that wrestler was overdue.

Putting the belt on Cena is just a formality now there is no weight to it anymore
I agree with this, but who would you have rather seen win last night then? For sake of this argument, I'm going to exclude Bray/Reigns/Cesaro because it's a little too early to put the straps on any of them..

Both valid points.

I think people are upset because there is never a build to a cena title reign. Its used to feel big when someone won the title cause there was road to it or that wrestler was overdue.

Putting the belt on Cena is just a formality now there is no weight to it anymore


If they wanted to, while it would have been a bore yet have to be extended longer than probably planned, maybe give Orton the straps again since Seth won the briefcase.

Could have eventually turned it into a Orton face turn? and have Seth cash in on him.. a full backing by HHH and the Authority at that point. Which then would lead to a Reigns/Rollins feud when Reigns is finally ready.
Both valid points.

If they wanted to, while it would have been a bore yet have to be extended longer than probably planned, maybe give Orton the straps again since Seth won the briefcase.

Could have eventually turned it into a Orton face turn? and have Seth cash in on him.. a full backing by HHH and the Authority at that point. Which then would lead to a Reigns/Rollins feud when Reigns is finally ready.

Thats what im saying there has to be a story or reason behind it. With cena winning you know there is no long term plan just ran outta ideas and said **** it lets give it to him.
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Thats what im saying there has to be a story or reason behind it. With cena winning you know there is no long term plan just ran outta ideas and said **** it lets give it to him.
^^ I believe their long term plan is for Bryan to hold the belts for a while, and with Cena winning here, he can basically be a placeholder until Bryan is healthy, and then whatever happens there happens. You wouldn't want Reigns or Bray to get the belts now only to hold them for a month or two. Would make them look weak.
What I think will happen in the coming months...
Cena/Lesnar @ SummerSlam- Brock wins belt
Lesnar/Bryan @ Survivor Series- Bryan wins belt
Rollins cashes in MITB on Bryan @ Royal Rumble and wins belt
Reigns wins Royal Rumble
Rollins/Reigns @ WM31
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