Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

I don't get this too soon talk.

Brock debuted on WWE television in March '02, only to defeat the Rock for the title five months later at Summerslam. Why can't you put it on one of these young guns? Wyatt would have been perfect to win the belts if the WWE had allowed him to defeat Cena in their feud. Had Cesaro's momentum not been stifled by joining Heyman, he'd have been a good pick too. Don't think it was too soon for Roman Reigns either. At least he would have starred in two Wrestlemanias and held another title before winning the WHC.
I believe BUILDING makes the MOMENT even sweeter. (See Daniel Bryan).

Let Roman go through his trials and tribulations for a while. Let him develop more as a performer and mic man. Let THAT moment be special, whenever he gets that belt. Things are generally better when things are brewed slowly.

Just my opinion. You bring up Brock and you are right, he was pushed to the moon, but that is an anomaly, not the rule.

I am not saying giving it to Roman now couldn't work, it could very well work. But to be safe, I say wait.
Brady's existence was barely acknowledged last night and he's over as ****, he hasn't had a feud set up since losing to Cena, what exactly are they trying to do with him?


Reigns needs to get his mic game up before he's holding belts.
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I don't get this too soon talk.

Brock debuted on WWE television in March '02, only to defeat the Rock for the title five months later at Summerslam. Why can't you put it on one of these young guns? Wyatt would have been perfect to win the belts if the WWE had allowed him to defeat Cena in their feud. Had Cesaro's momentum not been stifled by joining Heyman, he'd have been a good pick too. Don't think it was too soon for Roman Reigns either. At least he would have starred in two Wrestlemanias and held another title before winning the WHC.

I wouldnt have mind seeing someone fresh with the belts, ala Bray or Reigns, but who would you have thrown in as contenders for the belt for Summerfest? I could see Reigns/Rollins but where would Bray fall in? Turn him face? The lighters or whatever in the dark during his entrance and the way the people are singing along with him or signs of face mode. Feud him with Rowan and Harper.

With the addition of KENTA, we could see some cool matches between him and Rollins and eventually if Devitt is coming to the E.
honestly i think bray was the most ready and shouldve actually won.should of been a heel champ man.aint really interest in brock vs cena.bray couldve immediately started a feud with dbry just off his mic skills and kept it going till dbry was ready wrestle at summer slam.he couldve beat daniel the first time at summer slam carry the feud to survivor series and have bryan win it back.mean while still have reigns vs triple h/orton  jeans vs seth etc.have brock vs cesaro so he could break from heyman.but wwe loves to be lazy and predictable.smh.watever ill still watch raw tonight anyway for cenas opening sermon.

on another note,do ya think its going to automatically be cena vs brock? ya think they might possibly throw rusev in a feud with cena,of course have cena be the first to beat him 
Agree with what DC said. Would much rather have a great build-up to Reigns and Bray getting the belts than have them just randomly win a ladder match. Times like these are exactly why it's good to have guys like Cena and Orton on the roster.
Brocks first push worked because he was booked strong since he debuted and he had heyman as his mouthpiece

Reigns is missing that mouthpiece
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putting the belt on someone fast only works for heels,because when they lose people wont be mad cuz they want them to lose,so a short title run doesnt really stunt a heels growth as it would a face such as reigns.thats why it worked for brock,he was a monster that people hated not loved and wanted to see as champ
putting the belt on someone fast only works for heels,because when they lose people wont be mad cuz they want them to lose,so a short title run doesnt really stunt a heels growth as it would a face such as reigns.thats why it worked for brock,he was a monster that people hated not loved and wanted to see as champ
But this is also why having Bray win last night wouldn't have really worked. At this point, with the crowd reactions he has been receiving, he's more of a tweener leaning toward a face than a full-fledged heel.
But this is also why having Bray win last night wouldn't have really worked. At this point, with the crowd reactions he has been receiving, he's more of a tweener leaning toward a face than a full-fledged heel.
well thats wwe's fault for taking a great heel gimmick and then having him do all these things a face would do instead of actually letting him do heel things.
Bray's character shouldn't care about titles. I honestly don't think winning the belt would mean anything to/for him.
Bryan has to go through another surgery, could be out 6-12 months and definitely isn't making SSlam.

Lesnar doesn't have enough dates to be champ from August to March/April 2015

Bray's character shouldn't care about titles. I honestly don't think winning the belt would mean anything to/for him.
thats true,but thats another reason why it would be dope if he won,he wouldnt care about it.it would make him look more crazy.he could have harper and rowan wearing them for him or some **** lol.or destroyed them so they could just make one belt or something lol idk coulda been holding the belts hostage and then have dbry win it back from the crazy dude.be the hero type,all while the authority would have orton or seth try to take down the mad man bray.potential greatest heel of all time gimmick.

i feel like im ranting forgive me,its my day off and im 
,mind full of ideas lol 
Man I legit thought Swagger was going to hurt Ziggs again. Put him in the Ankle lock and pull him down from the ladder. Would've been john Cena when he got eliminated from that one royal rumble where he messed up his knee

Swagger was involved easily in about 5 spots where I thought he would injure someone, with 3 of those bring Ziggler. Dude is subtlety reckless if that makes any sense. Speaking of reckless, Big E busting lips again :lol:
Bray's character shouldn't care about titles. I honestly don't think winning the belt would mean anything to/for him.
thats true,but thats another reason why it would be dope if he won,he wouldnt care about it.it would make him look more crazy.he could have harper and rowan wearing them for him or some **** lol.or destroyed them so they could just make one belt or something lol idk coulda been holding the belts hostage and then have dbry win it back from the crazy dude.be the hero type,all while the authority would have orton or seth try to take down the mad man bray.potential greatest heel of all time gimmick.

i feel like im ranting forgive me,its my day off and im :pimp: ,mind full of ideas lol 

He could have someone holding the belt up and talk about how the "sheep" all look up to it or something and it means nothing to him.
He could have someone holding the belt up and talk about how the "sheep" all look up to it or something and it means nothing to him.
exactly he couldve been like this is what everyone worships and know he really got the world in his hands or something,whatever tho cenas champ so there goes all that 
Swagger was involved easily in about 5 spots where I thought he would injure someone, with 3 of those bring Ziggler. Dude is subtlety reckless if that makes any sense. Speaking of reckless, Big E busting lips again
i was hoping ziggler got hurt by the reckless american 
Sort of looking forward to RAW, I enjoyed MITB last night.. that Tag Team match/first MITB were both really good.
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