Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Dat boy Ziggler 
I was REALLY looking forward to Cesaro vs. Ziggler in a singles match but I guess they made it a 6-man tag because of Cesaro's injury. Probably didn't want him working an extensive match.

I would love to see a nice, long match between those two. Cesaro can have a great match with anyone and Ziggler can make Hornswoggle look like Brock Lesnar.
Been watching some Raw After The Show Clips today.

what would happen if during the mitb match kofi said f it and grabbed the case?
He gets fired and I assume blackballed in the industry. No matter the scenario workers must follow the plan, and stealing a push would show that you're a loose canon and can't be trusted.
are you a dog guy or a cat guy??
Both. I love animals man, I've never had a pet growing up since I'm allergic.

I was iffy about this new dog since my allergies always act up but I haven't sneezed once. And it's not even hypoallergenic. It's crazy man.
Both. I love animals man, I've never had a pet growing up since I'm allergic.

I was iffy about this new dog since my allergies always act up but I haven't sneezed once. And it's not even hypoallergenic. It's crazy man.

i dont trust cat people
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