Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?
Flair, HBK, and barely due to longevity HHH. All tough choices though.
2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv? Has to be MITB. It was TLC but MITB matches are always exciting with a sense of the unknown(unless Cena is in the match.)
3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..
Surely Benoit vs Daniel Bryan.
4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)
Stone Cold vs Brock
5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..
Shield vs Flair, Arn and Benoit. Variation if horseman to keep it even 3 on 3.
6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..
Rey Mysterio vs AJ Styles
7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..
Razor Ramon
8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..
Stone Cold vs The Rock
Flair vs Sting
Raven vs Tommy Dreamer
9. Who's your favorite valet?
Tough one...gotta say Sable though.
10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)
Million Dollar Belt. So beautiful in real life.
Here's another "NTWT's 10 Questions"..

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

Hogan, Michaels, Cena

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

Does the Royal Rumble count?

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime).

Benoit and DBry

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

Austin and Ambrose

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

Rockers and Los Guerreros

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

Seth Rollins and Jeff Hardy

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..


8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..


9. Who's your favorite valet?


10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)

I always dug the WCW Cruiserweight belt
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I always dug the WCW Cruiserweight belt
Wow, I was 5 seconds into replying to this this thread saying the same thing. I was just looking at it and it was a nice looking best. But I am biased since I feel that was the best example of "wrestling" that probably happened in my lifetime.
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Wow, I was 5 seconds into replying to this this thread saying the same thing. I was just looking at it and it was a nice looking best. But I am biased since I feel that was the best example of "wrestling" that probably happened in my lifetime.
Sometimes I hate the affect WWF had on my perception of wrestling.  It's hard for me to enjoy a match without a decent storyline behind it.  I've gotten better at appreciating well executed moves and hating stiff wrestlers thanks to this thread though
A timeless topic, but man been watching random Rock clips (returns, saves, moments), and he is easily my all time favorite.

1. Wrestler that, in your opinion, best represents the 80s, 90s, 00s?

hogan, austin and cena

2. What's your favorite specialty match at a ppv?

royal rumble

3. What 2 technical wrestlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Can be from any ere and both are in their prime)..

angle vs bryan

4. What 2 brawlers would you like to see in a dream bout?..(Any era and in their prime)

foley vs cesaro

5. What 2 tag teams would you like to see in a dream bout?..(You know the drill)..

dudleys vs lod

6. What 2 high flyers would you like to see in dream bout?..(Duh!)..

seth rollins vs jeff hardy

7. Who is your favorite IC champion?..

razor ramon

8. What is your favorite feud from WWF/E, WCW, & ECW?..

wwe - hbk vs bret

9. Who's your favorite valet?

miss elizabeth

10. What's your favorite title design that's not a World Heavyweight Singles Belt?..(Such as 80's era IC or 90's era WCW Tag Belts)

million dollar belt
The Jericho/Ziggler feud was the start of his push. Fandango/Jericho didn't go anywhere but it was more Fandango the gimmick. My only issues with Jericho's last few returns is he hasn't won any matches or feuds so the rub really isn't there.

But I blame WWE booking and poor use of enhancement talent and building credible competitors as the issue. UFC has a ranking system, does prime time specials to build up key matches. Probably why their cards have broke 1 million while WWE not so much besides Mania.
But I blame WWE booking and poor use of enhancement talent and building credible competitors as the issue. UFC has a ranking system, does prime time specials to build up key matches. Probably why their cards have broke 1 million while WWE not so much besides Mania.

The WWE could learn a lot from the UFC.

Personally, I've been saying FOREVER that having something as simple as a tale of the tape would do a ton to legitimize the business.
Hey...let's not pretend like the UFC is perfect. Over saturation, weak cards, bland stars post GSP, Diaz, Brock, Ortiz, Rampage, Silva, etc.

But they're not grossly incompetent like Michael Hayes, Kevin Dunn, Vince's Dufus Son in Law, etc. I can't believe the shareholders haven't asked for heads to roll.
I was listening to Cheap Heat and the other guy said Naomi was the Brock Lesnar of the Divas division. A few weeks before he said it was Charlotte.

The Divas division hasn't had so many talented divas as now. But we get random Total Divas storylines like Naomi/Cameron. The Steph/Bella's isn't bad. Easy build and payoff. Hopefully, Brie doesn't botch it with her acting.
I see a lot of jr influence in some of these post. Just take the product for what it's worth.
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I see a lot of jr influence in some of these post. Just take the product for what it's worth.
I'm not selling DDP Yoga, Deer Hunter, Onnit, etc.

And the product isn't worth much or Vince wouldn't have most $300 million in Monopoly money. They'd be promoting a million network subscribers. Mania would've broken a million buys. And they would've gotten a Nascar TV contract vice small bump from NBC.

Off to watch NXT.

Macho Man always had great outfits. Definitely one of the GOATs.
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Deer hunter is the truth tho...

And it's non of my business if Vince lost 300M. I just watch the product he presents to me and choose to keep watching it. If I didn't like it I'd watch the stuff I did like on the network.
The WWE could learn a lot from the UFC.

Personally, I've been saying FOREVER that having something as simple as a tale of the tape would do a ton to legitimize the business.
Sounds familiar 8)

@IHustle - yea I am trying to upload stuff I don't already see online. I know the sound isn't top notch but I am doing my best with the equipment I have.@IHustle - yea I am trying to upload stuff I don't already see online. I know the sound isn't top notch but I am doing my best with the equipment I have.
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