Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

The WWE could learn a lot from the UFC.

Personally, I've been saying FOREVER that having something as simple as a tale of the tape would do a ton to legitimize the business.
Sounds familiar

@IHustle - yea I am trying to upload stuff I don't already see online. I know the sound isn't top notch but I am doing my best with the equipment I have.@IHustle - yea I am trying to upload stuff I don't already see online. I know the sound isn't top notch but I am doing my best with the equipment I have.
Never even crossed my mind tbh.

The pic quality is great and now that you mention it, the sound has that vintage feel to it. Just like when my mom and I would watch.

Its kinda funny bc I remember at the time I started to watch wrestling, my mom would always say 'Hulk Hogan?, Macho Man? thats WWF right" and every week Id be like 

Crazy how she knew much more about it than I did at the time. 
Ultimate Warrior had just as much charisma as Rock.

I disagree. Warrior was more like the Ryback/Goldberg mold. Whirlwind energetic squash match character.

Just like many, the Company didn't know what to do with Rock/Flex. But his charisma and promo ability definitely started to ooze out around the time he kicked Farouq out the nation. He started wearing that Versace and glasses. And he just over shadowed the rest of the nation. All charisma.

I never got that from Warrior.
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So is the idea marinate/train in Performance Center, debut on NXT, work on camera for a period of time then show up on main roster when they think you're ready?

So is the idea marinate/train in Performance Center, debut on NXT, work on camera for a period of time then show up on main roster when they think you're ready?

Look her up

Yes, the wwe style of wrestling is different from other countries/promotions. Some talents are on the nxt roster years before they make a tv appearance.
In that 5th pic her and Jojo look like twins, and the previous pics she looks like the 3rd Bella.

Jojo >>> her
In that 5th pic her and Jojo look like twins, and the previous pics she looks like the 3rd Bella.

Jojo >>> her

They said the same thing about Lana when she was in nxt. Let Veronica get brought up to the main roster and we'll see everybody lusting on Mondays in here.
That girl looks good but looks like her eyebrows are drawn on with a wide tip marker.
his charisma is unmatched

Hate to break it to you, but Ric Flair has more charisma than Rock..And there really isn't 1 thing, other than play guitar in the ring, that Ric didn't do first..And, might I add, do better..

If you wanna feel old.......this happened a little over 18 years ago.


I was 18 years old when that happened..My b-day is in May and I told my parents to just hold off getting me an present cause I wanted to watch KOTR..I was the most perfect age to be a wrestling fan during the Austin Era..
You mean besides starring in major Hollywood movies...

That has nothing to do with wrestling..And there's a bunch of people that star in Hollywood movies that have no charisma, so even that doesn't help try to disprove my point..
I was 8 years old when Austin cut that promo and a huge Bret fan. I didnt understand the significance of it then and didn't want too. I was at the age when I thought wrestling was real and only wanted the "good guys" to win
You mean besides starring in major Hollywood movies...

That has nothing to do with wrestling..And there's a bunch of people that star in Hollywood movies that have no charisma, so even that doesn't help try to disprove my point..

I agree that there are many in Hollywood with no charisma...

I very disagree that it doesn't take boatloads of charisma to be a leading man... The Rock is an A list celebrity... I would venture and say that every single A-lister is very charismatic...
I agree that there are many in Hollywood with no charisma...

I very disagree that it doesn't take boatloads of charisma to be a leading man... The Rock is an A list celebrity... I would venture and say that every single A-lister is very charismatic...

We're getting off the topic here..The Rock has an insane amount of charisma and I'm in no way trying to take away anything from him..But Ric Flair is in a league by himself..Ric Flair is the Rock's inspiration..

And if we're going to bring up the Rock then what about Austin?..His charisma is off the charts..And it's because of his level of charisma that he is the biggest draw in wrestling history..So I guess it's all subjective..
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