Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

What up fellow wrestling enthusiasts? It always seems on the NTWT that our questions we ask are always lists of favorites...so I decided to ask the opposite...
1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?
The Miz
2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?
Triple H cuz of that time period-02-07
3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?
Vinnie Mac
4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?
(besides David Arquette)
Jeff Jarrett
5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?
The Miz, I dislike the way he was booked
6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year)
John Cena
7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?
Mike Adamle, even tho I wasn't watching WWE during that period
8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?
9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?
Current Jerry Lawler
10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?
(any company/any era)
The Alliance
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1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?
2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?
View media item 1069276
As a kid I didn't know any better so I have no ill will towards Hulkamania but this guy right here needs to tear both his quads like Vince did power walking down the ailse that one year at the Royal Rumble after the double elimination.

3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?
View media item 1069292
He beat my guy Bret the Hitman Hart for the title the night after he finally won it back. Not to mention dropping HBK on his back a couple of times with the jacknife powerbomb.

4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?
View media item 1069303
Broke 6,000 guitars and couldn't draw a dime

5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?
View media item 1069282
They did Ron Misterio so dirty on that Raw. It came off as a lifetime achievement award.

6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year)
View media item 1069313
Seeing as though he can't connect with the crowd and all

8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?
View media item 1069315
7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?
9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?
View media item 1069317
10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?
(any company/any era)[/quote]
View media item 1069321
I wasn't a fan of anything with King Slapnutz involved not to mention WCW ruining the Hitman and making him join the nWo.
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Thanks for this BigEgo, I haven't buried enough today

What up fellow wrestling enthusiasts? It always seems on the NTWT that our questions we ask are always lists of favorites...so I decided to ask the opposite...
1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?
As far as the dudes go, Curtis Axel. I can take boring characters that can wrestle good to very well (Del Rio, Sheamus), but Axel is a boring character, and has CAW moveset 1 outside of his finisher

2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?
Hmmmmm....probably Hulk Hogan. I respect what he represents in the business as far as his impact and everything, but I wasn't even a fan of his as a kid. I don't even need to mention him as far as backstage goes.

3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?
Probably Diesel. Though he held it for almost a year, I don't remember much about his reign.

4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?
(besides David Arquette)
Besides Arquette and Vince Russo, it would probably be Kevin Nash by default. He ended Goldberg's streak, and played a part in killing off WCW. He's title reigns amounted to nothing.

5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?
Khali. Sure, at his size he could always be labeled as an intimidating force, but he doesn't belong in the ring. He falls everytime he does his Chokeslam finisher. He's 7'4" with the legs of a 5'10" man.

6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year)
I'd lean more towards Damien Sandow over Jack Swagger, solely because Swagger at least got to hold the title. Sandow had a failed cash-in, and is stuck being 2007-2008 Charlie Haas, but he's doing the best he can.

7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?
Mike Adamle. He was terrible at everything he did, and didn't belong on camera nor an announcer's booth.

8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?
Minus obvious ones like Luna and Nicole Bass, it's Cameron. She's cute as in there's nothing ugly about her, but I loathe her every time she's on my screen. So basic, with an ingratiating personality that I truly believe is her and not a character. The difference between her and Naomi is the difference between 2006 Finals Wade and 2014 Finals Wade

9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?
A tie between current Michael Cole and Mark Madden. Madden tried way too hard to be "in the know", something that plagued a lot WCW promos in general during that time. Michael Cole is self-explanatory, but he's just agonizing on commentary. Burying the faces, blowing off the heels, saying the incorrect moves and overall just being inept.

10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?
(any company/any era)
Backtracking my memory from the early 90's to now, I still have to say the combination of Nexus & The Corre. Even stables like the Truth Commission, DOA, MIA, The Oddities, Dark Carnival, Natural Born Thrillers, DoD, T&A, S.E.X, and Job Squad served a purpose at one time or another. Nexus & Corre were the biggest goofs in wrestling. They all looked like a bunch of noobs outside of Tarver, Ryback, and Barrett, but were made to look stupid more often than not.
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What up fellow wrestling enthusiasts? It always seems on the NTWT that our questions we ask are always lists of favorites...so I decided to ask the opposite...

1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?

John Cena. Patiently waiting for him to catch that bottom rope

2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?

John Cena. Because he's a cornball

3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?


4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?

(besides David Arquette)

Jeff jarrett

5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?

John Cena

6)Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title? (Any match from any year)

John Cena

7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?


8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?


9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?

Reggie Miller

10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?

(any company/any era) RTC

Same list for me except 9 is the King since I never heard Reggie and 10 is Legacy since although the idea was good the execution was mediocre. RTC was great for trolling reasons.

Mean Street Posse :pimp:
1) John Cena. People complain about Hunter but I think Cena has buried more careers than anyone during his time at the top a champ.
2)All time hate goes to Earthquake. I still am pissed from when he "broke Hogans ribs" years ago as a child. I was a lil Hulkamaniac at the time.
3)Vince having the belt was bogus. Almost as bad as Arquette honestly.
4)Hollywood Hogan kept it too long and held others down.
5)John Cena. 15 time champ in 10 years of main event status. :frown:
6)Sandow. Buried by Cena and still trying to dig himself out of a deep deep grave.
7)Bischoff. Never cared for the guy. He legit seemed like he'd sell anyone else out to stay ahead of competition. Like even his mom.
8)Luna. (Jazz gets honorable mention)
9)Mike Adamle...although current day Lawler is catching up quickly.
10) The Oddities... Yeesh that was bad.
Vader was a super heavyweight way different.

Cactus was a stuntman never took him serious until later in his career

honestly arn and barry didnt have bos body. No they werent rick rude but they where far from bo. Dude is sloppy.

It's not like Bo is obese. He has some fat around the midsection. Arn had some too but was rocking the hairy chest and stomach look.
1)Who is your least favorite/most hated wrestler currently?
Del Rio

2)Who is the wrestler you despise most all time and for what reason?
CM Punk because he's the biggest prick in wrestling

3)Who is your least favorite WWF Champion?
Triple H

4)Who is your least favorite WCW Champion?

5)Who is your least favorite WWE Champion?
CM Punk

Which MITB winner was the wrong choice for the briefcase/title?
John Cena

7)Who is/was your least liked authority figure/General manager ?
Johnny Ace

8)Which women's wrestler/diva/valet was the one that didn't "make it move" for you?

9)Who is the worst commentator that you've heard in the business?
Tazz in TNA

10)What was the worst faction in wrestling?
New Nexus
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