Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Oct 15, 2000



Things aren't so good for us premium members who enjoy the finer things of life 


There isn't much announced for tonight.  Chris Jericho will return.  There have been talks that he may return as a face, but I don't see that happening.  Jericho has said many times he enjoys working as a heel much more, and he plays the role much better.  Rey Mysterio's suspension is also up, but there are no plans to bring him back tonight.  Both Mysterio and Orton now have two strikes, but the feeling is that Orton will be brought back immediately and pushed because he's Orton, and Mysterio will be brought back when they feel like it and probably not pushed all that much because he's Mysterio.  Personally I don't care because I'm not a fan of either guy at this point of their careers', but it just goes to show WWE's ridiculous double standards, especially with how much merchandise Mysterio sells and how many times he's bailed them out of jams when other guys were injured.

Money in the Bank is three weeks away.  The big news right now is that John Cena is not booked on the show.  That of course could change at any minute, but the thought is they don't have a challenger for him because they are going to put Big Show in the actual Money in the Bank match (ugh), and Punk will once again be defending the WWE Title against Kane and/or Bryan or both.  And since Tensai didn't work out as planned, Cena has no one to face.  They could always feed Ziggler to him, but I would much rather Ziggler be built up as a strong competitor as opposed to just being Cena's jobber of the month.  They may end up putting Cena in the MITB match just to have him on the show.  They could also go with a Jericho v Cena match for no good reason, but I also think we'll see Jericho in the MITB match.

As for Ziggler, he defeated Swagger last week.  It certainly seemed that Dolph was working as the babyface, but after his win, he made out with Vickie so that pretty much keeps him solidly as a heel.  Ziggler will be another that will be in MITB.  And after last week, Swagger is buried even further than he had been.

Brock Lesnar was seen in Boca Raton this passed week.  Lesnar doesn't fly to Florida to go on vacation, so one would assume he was there meeting with Vince to discuss plans for Summerslam.  Lesnar will not be on tonight's Raw, but we will probably see the next chapter of the story after HHH knocked out Heyman last week.  I'm still not too excited about this match, especially because I fully believe Lesnar will be jobbing to HHH.

Sheamus will be facing Alberto Del Rio at MITB for the World Title.  Not much to say there.
No mysterio? Come on...I'd like swaggers character to go on a "proving himself" spree after loosing Vicki and to ziggler.he could really be built up
CrankVince's tweets probably gonna be the highlight of the night.
WWE Raw Dark Match Result 

Who worked before the show? 

- Bray Wyatt, aka Husky Harris, beat Alex Riley in the dark match before Raw tonight. The match was said to be "very entertaining, yet quick."

Riley stays taking Ls
I'm here to show the world, i'm hereeeee to show the worldddddddd

dammit, Vicki trolled me.
Originally Posted by PLVN

This AJ angle is ROTTEN...I'm sorry.
 AJ and that word do not belong in the same sentence she is a goddess. She could do whatever she wants and it still would be gold. She needs the Divas title and keep it forever.
Starting it off with an AJ appearance good job WWE. 
YES chants sounded sub dued maybe it's duing?

Also this is an elimination match...why? What's the purpose? How about some story Vickie
- John Cena says he plans to make an historic announcement on tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow. Cena tweeted on Monday afternoon:

“In Fort Wayne for #Raw tonight I have an announcement that will make history! Make sure to watch #Raw
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