Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

The fold in the back of Big Show's head looks like Chyna's vagina.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Funkadactyls? I thought they were the Funkettes.

They've always been called the Funkadactyls. 
AJ Lee
-Born April Jeanette Mendez

-Puerto Rican heritage

Didn't even think that. Nice. 
This ring announcer is annoying. Where's Lilian?!

Spoiler [+]
You could tell I haven't been paying attention to wrestling in awhile
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

While it is quite respectable that Punk has been champion for 218 days, he has not been part of the top feud for just about this entire time.  It would be a lot more impressive if he was actually headlining shows as champion.  Whether Cena has the belt or not, we still have to deal with him in every single main event.  Hopefully that changes at MITB.

I remember when punk was feuding with Jericho.. Punk had the nerve to insult Jericho about not being the man even though Jericho was the undisputed champion.. Earth to punk.. You're not consider the man..even thought you're the wwe champion..
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

You've been waiting a month to fight this dude.....

Yet you still shuck and jive down to the ring.

If he took things more seriously, he may still be undefeated.  What a moron.  (But not a single mention of this being Clay's first loss.)
And this is a terrible injury angle if they're really going that way.
I know they didn't point this little wheelchair boy into a corner just so Cena could sneak up on him.

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

The fold in the back of Big Show's head looks like Chyna's vagina.


The John Cena PR campaign is in full effect.
Originally Posted by PLVN

"Incredible Rap album"



So tired of the weekly Cena propaganda bull**** videos to try and hide the fact he repeatedly cheated on his wife, slept with anything backstage with a slit, and is going to get taken to the cleaners in this divorce.
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