Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

They're bragging that Santino hasn't defended his title since April 16th?
What happened to guys forfeiting their titles if they don't defend them for 30 days?

Think they said on RAW.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aight I feel myself getting obsessed with this AJ woman.

Damn this woman...........

Me too man, me tooI can't take Swaggers hair serious
Hold on, the US Title is still around? I thought that thing was gone years ago.

Who the hell is this Italian Mr. Socko dude? Hahahhaha Cobra?
According to 411Mania.com (via MLW radio), Vince McMahon Wanted to Fight former SmackDown writer Alex Greenfield: 

We're standing right outside the arena. There are fans way back behind the fence wondering what Mr. McMahon is yelling at this little Jewish kid for. I just refused to back down. I was like, 'My way is the right way. You did it wrong.' He said, 'Damnit, I wish you were 6'7" and I said, 'I'm not, but I'm standing right here.'

And there was a moment in that conversation where I thought he was just going to haul off and punch me in the face. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking like a badass here like I would have won this confrontation necessarily. He probably would have broken my jaw.

But he really thought about it. I'm convinced to this day that he thought about knocking the [expletive] out of me.
Leaked photos of the swimsuits the divas will be wearing...

Spoiler [+]
Wow people go crazy for Cena. 4W or anyone else. Has Cena gone back to normal since the Rock has left? You know the Rock stole all of his fans and all.

That damn scream after that beat drops. Crazy man.
More heat on Orton for tweeting that he wants to be a heel

Did you know CM Punk is an Immortal Technique fan? Tweet by Punk last Friday:

@CMPunk: @ImmortalTech killin' it at the Metro.
Guys look at me, I'm John Cena, I'm sooooooo topical and make references that everyone gets!
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