Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Wow people go crazy for Cena. 4W or anyone else. Has Cena gone back to normal since the Rock has left? You know the Rock stole all of his fans and all.

That damn scream after that beat drops. Crazy man.

If by normal, you mean more annoying, grating, and irritating than ever, then yes.  Yes he has.
All these shenanigans are to distract you from his divorce.

Chris %#%+#+@ Jericho
Jericho looks extremely old tonight. Did he not let makeup do work tonight??????
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Did you know CM Punk is an Immortal Technique fan? Tweet by Punk last Friday:

@CMPunk: @ImmortalTech killin' it at the Metro.

Ewwww I'd rather listen to John Cena's album.
So dudes can just put themselves in the MITB match now?

What happened to MITB qualifying matches?


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