Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I'm almost blown away at how Beadle gradually turned into an attention seeking self-rightious loser. I'm glad she's been replaced by multiple more attractive women.
Was fun to be a boxing fan for a night, now it's time to get back to the real sport. Professional Wrestling :pimp:
I'm almost blown away at how Beadle gradually turned into an attention seeking self-rightious loser. I'm glad she's been replaced by multiple more attractive women.

She went on my **** list as soon as she called punk ****-face
Jesus Christ...
I love steph and all but she got that crazy white girl smile...a bit disturbing and a bit arousing...

My girl does the exact same thing (she's white btw :lol:), just not to the magnitude that Steph does it. That scrunched up nose smile. Except Steph looks like a gremlin. Makes sense since she's married to the troll of trolls
I love Beads and all, but she's acting like Trips and the WWE just started riding with Mayweather last night. :smh:
Alright still catching up on TNA on my phone(finally found better wifi) a couple things...

- am I missing something with that Khoya dude? Dude is horrible :lol:

- 4 way was awesome :pimp: Kenny King is a great heel..he's such a scumbag and it's great

- looks like DC let Al Snow borrow one of his jackets

- I still don't know what Doll House is supposed to be, but heel thot Tiffany is :evil: :pimp: and I still want to ravage Mia Yim..don't know why :lol:

- I swear James Storm is in a diff feud every 2 weeks

- EY as a main eventer feels weird to me

Was flipping thru the channels and saw that the Low Ki/Drew Galloway Pipe on a pole match and neither wrestler used it on each opponent. Both missed when trying to hit each other with it and then the dry for the win. No point in that stip if they aren't going to use it.

It would be cool if they revamped TNA with Corgan on board.
i don;t know man, like what if some pro athlete ***** a family member of yours or something...i feel it would might be difficult to continue as a fan....no?

Have to agree there. I did a pretty big favor for a MLB'er and he royally F'ed me over. It's awfully hard to separate the person from the game in my case. Like DeepSea said, I don't shut my eyes when he comes in the game or anything, but I absolutely do not like that mf'er as a person. I don't boo or anything, I just basically don't react at all.
Somebody correct me if I'm wring, a bit hazy on this. Back when Floyd was coming in, weren't the WWE trying to portray him as a face, and Big Show was a heel for the 55th time? It seemed like it was a double turn as Floyd never once did anything resembling a face :lol:
Somebody correct me if I'm wring, a bit hazy on this. Back when Floyd was coming in, weren't the WWE trying to portray him as a face, and Big Show was a heel for the 55th time? It seemed like it was a double turn as Floyd never once did anything resembling a face :lol:

you are correct. Titus O'neil was part of money's entourage too
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I'm almost blown away at how Beadle gradually turned into an attention seeking self-rightious loser. I'm glad she's been replaced by multiple more attractive women.

Once she left SportsNation for NBC she got a big head and hasn't been the same since. All that plastic surgery didn't help her either.
Once she left SportsNation for NBC she got a big head and hasn't been the same since. All that plastic surgery didn't help her either.
Would I hit? Why yes, of course. But that's not saying much. Her face scares me with all that plastic surgery. 
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