Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

I would have had Goldberg lose to DDP at Halloween Havoc 98.

Have HBK go over on Taker at 26.

Cena lose to Bray at 30.

I'm actually fine with the new champ, Rey won it first Btw... But Punk has to be gone 6-8 months for that to happen... Punk shouldn't have returned earlier than Royal Rumble, besides a "shoot" run in a couple times in that span or something...

The single most wasted storyline since the invasion... It was so easy... So much prestige could have been added to the title... Stupid VKM...
Cena doesn't catch nearly enough flack for this.  Made Mysterio defend his title an hour after he just won it.
i honestly stopped watching after that MITB match. didn't know Rey won it.

they really should've had no one be champ and had people hunting down Punk to get the belt back to the company. bringing in a new title cheapens what Punk did by leaving with the belt.
Angle: Yokozuna V Bret Hart

Change: Bret goes over Yoko, Hogan doesn't appear.

I can do this all day lol
Wasnt Cena supposed to be fired after losing the belt to CP Munk as well? How did he get a title shot shortly afterwards again lol
Kurt is right from the stand point him and Bryan could have put on a show. Its hard for me to separate the sin from the sinner here. I just feel like TNA makes Kurt feel washed.
Cheer me up bros, I missed those Ronaldo cleats :frown:

At least I copped ultra boosts last night :smile:
Change/fix/rewrite any angle? Gotta go with having Steamboat stick around for a longer feud with Savage instead of taking that time off. Had to pull Dragon out of any potential programs since he wasn't around, and destroyed all that momentum. Can't imagine how many 5 star matches we could've gotten out of that program.
Angle: Angle & Taker No Way Out 2006 for the title
Change: Swap it with the WM22 title match. Angle winning the triple threat at No Way out and Taker beating Angle at Mania.
Invasion angle.

Change: Every.single.thing

Basically :lol: This is probably the easiest answer for me. At KOTR 2001, I would've had DDP/Taker have an evenly contested match ending in a no-contest. In general, the Invasion would not have centered around Vince/Steph/Shane, but the actual wrestlers involved. Let's say if Nash/Goldberg/etc all still do their holdout thing, other WCW guys who were on the bubble of main eventing would've been built up further, then gradually the other guys would trickle in. Some with ECW guys being built up. I'm iffy on whether I would've had WCW/ECW join together though.
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