Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

Merriman smashed layla while he was signed or whatever he was to wwe. Yeah I'm hating.

Trips can be facing anyone at this point. Hell dude was supposed to face the Ryback a few months ago then realized how unsafe dude was :lol:
Did Rey have Eddie's WM moment? Had Eddie not passed away, was it Eddie vs Angle 2?
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i honestly stopped watching after that MITB match. didn't know Rey won it.

they really should've had no one be champ and had people hunting down Punk to get the belt back to the company. bringing in a new title cheapens what Punk did by leaving with the belt.

You know they couldn't resist having a cena vs punk stare down with both belts.

Man HBK vs Eddie woulda been amazing
Its ashamed Eddie died :smh:
Him & Benoit at the end of Wrestlemania 20 still brings a tear to my eye
Forgot NXT was today...man I dont feel like hooking up my PS4. They need to bring WWE Network to the Wii U already
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