Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

Did You Know?:

The Cod Piece was the highest selling item at NTWTshop.com for a whole year!
I'm sayin', these new NTWT fools don't even know!

I was so damn over feuding with that 40 year old GHIMS, Power Trip tag team with Lobo, my IC reign...let's not forget the highest rated running NTWT segment, The Chain...Mailroom.

I only left when Club didn't want to do the job at NTMania.
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I'm sayin', these new NTWT fools don't even know!
I was so damn over feuding with that 40 year old GHIMS, Power Trip tag team with Lobo, my IC reign...let's not forget the highest rated running NTWT segment, The Chain...Mailroom.
I only left when Club didn't want to do the job at NTMania.
^ I remember that, these new dudes man..
The current IC Champ would like to know more about the history of NTWT...
Pretty sure Kenta was always the plan because of something about them broadcasting the network in Japan for the first time or something along those lines.
Did You Know?:

The Cod Piece was the highest selling item at NTWTshop.com for a whole year!
I'm sayin', these new NTWT fools don't even know!
I was so damn over feuding with that 40 year old GHIMS, Power Trip tag team with Lobo, my IC reign...let's not forget the highest rated running NTWT segment, The Chain...Mailroom.
I only left when Club didn't want to do the job at NTMania.

How dare you say i'm 40.

Only real reason you left was because you were an aspiring gymnast and your goal was the olympics.
Dude was hurt... Couldn't work the show, but I'm sure he woulda been the guy if he wasn't...
Nah, it was heavily angled to have Itami at WM.

It put eyes on him from *** folks who traveled to WM and was an ode to Fujinami being inducted into HOF.

I don't know how they'll introduce Sami onto the main roster. He has the Daniel Bryan underdog character, but DBry is not gone yet.
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Man that Hideo video got me in the feels. I really hope they can do something decent with 'em when he makes it to the roster.. but judging by the past I'm not holding my breath.

Kill it Hideo!
AJ left due to that doctor filing a lawsuit on Punk, according to WONL.

Also according to WONL, Lesnar knew Seth was winning about a week in advance. It is possible Reigns and Heyman also knew in advance but the rest knew when the show started.

Many WWE talent has bern defensive of Reigns and there has been some bitterness against the vocal fans who cause the change of plans.
Don't care reigns is trash. They wanted him to win so they could fell comfortable knowing they could suck and still make it to the top :smh:
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