Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

The current IC Champ would like to know more about the history of NTWT...

Don't bother b. We got old hogans going around still talking about how they powerslamed andre the giant in the silverdome jack! Time to let it go!!
Yeah, but I'm worried about @casekicks falling over and dieing, not you
Yeah, but I'm worried about Case Case falling over and dieing, not you :lol:...

It's actually funny you say that cause we're having some bad rain and lighting storms where i'm at..When it gets bad outside my body don't like it..I've been having some issues today with walking cause the nerve pain in my leg is flared up due to the weather and my damn leg keeps giving out on me..
**** case... I know you're not a SAWFT man, so I know you'll be OK... Sparky Bob will lift you and carry you if need be...

This will make you feel better though... It's raining where you are... It's snowing right now... 4 inches by morning...

It's ******* April, why is it ******* snowing..
Snowing??? :lol: sucks to be that far up north

Windy and cold as hell in ny but good enough. Just took my dog for a early morning walk at 4am
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Where's the shirt you got me?...

I told you already... i'm using it as a jizz rag... it's a cheerio size so i got a lot to cover....

nah i ordered it with the cesar/kidd shirt and sext shirt.... waiting for it to ship here....
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