Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

-WWE has announced that the new season of Tough Enough will premiere on the USA Network on Tuesday, June 23rd at 8/7 C. Additionally, it was also revealed that SmackDown will be moving to USA in early 2016. The show will feature “all new live elements” including more fan participation.

Still won't watch smackdown....show is a replay of RAW

They didn't sell out... they bought in.

This reminds me of a WM story.

So My (ex) girl and I went and had killer seats. However, there was this chick, not older than about 20-21 sitting by herself who had all of these signs with her.

Anyways, so we're watching the ladder match and her favorite is Ambrose. She says the same "LETZ GOOOO AMMBOZE!" chant over and over while flailing one of her signs in the air and knocking her elbow into a kid. The dad of the kid got pissed and she gave the most blank stare I've ever seen anyone give and went back to chanting and flailing her sign again.

Then the Seff/Ranny match comes up and she REPEATEDLYstarts chanting "U SOLE OUUUUUUUUUUUT" from the time the video package started to when he took possibly the greatest Ace Crusher the world has ever seen. Eventually, the crowd (including myself and my ex) started chanting WE BOUGHT IN! really loud at her.

After the match she ended up leaving after the dad of the kid told her off AGAIN. I feel bad because I think she was slightly handicapped but when you're disrupting everyone else's good time, then idk.
I love JoPo and Wai Ting. I never thought pointless banter would be entertaining but somehow they have the chemistry to make it work.
Those two marks brought up a good point in their video why did the Big Guy, the Viper and Ramen Noodles pull double duty last night?

We could have gotten a Zack Ryder segment or something. Is he still injured? Where is the One Man Band these days? Is he still facing those potential charges? Where was Rusev at this week?
Paige with the ores gets two thumbs up. Best looking I've ever seen her.

That can't really be Bayley next to her...
Paige wearing no bra under that flannel. Maybe that girl is her lumberjack friend.
Those two marks brought up a good point in their video why did the Big Guy, the Viper and Ramen Noodles pull double duty last night?

We could have gotten a Zack Ryder segment or something. Is he still injured? Where is the One Man Band these days? Is he still facing those potential charges? Where was Rusev at this week?

I think a few of them flew to the UK already
Hogan sounds like a DBag. Didnt he smash his boy's wife to make that sex tape? 
I think they were wife swapping. Terry is a freak dude bangs a chick that looks like his daughter.
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