Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

These are now up on WWEShop along with Sext's new shirt, for those interested:

i hate how those side bars on the center plate are disconnected. Otherwise, i'd own one by now 
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Angle: Booker T vs. Triple H

Change: Booker goes over at WrestleMania and wins the Big Gold, defeating racism in wrestling in the process.

This would be my second choice after Invasion. I''m iffy on the timeline, but I would have Booker win the title from HHH at Mania, and with Goldberg's eventual debut, while he's feuding with The Rock, Booker T could have a handful of title defenses against some rising heels, and maybe lose the title in a 3 way match. Let's say, HHH pins Steiner, Booker T & Steiner start to feud, and that's how Goldberg and HHH meet up. Keep in mind that I'm not even paying attention to who else was feuding around that time :lol:
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Booker definitely should have had his WM moment over HHH. That win did nothing for Shovel.

HHH has lost alot at Mania. Off the top of my head I can remember Cena (by submission), Taker 3 times, The Wolverine (submission), Batista.
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