Wrestling Thread April 18-24 | 4/23 The 2011 WWE Draft This Monday Night on Raw

Christ Almighty?!?!
Ya'll got the "visual aids" confused. It's supposed to enhance, not hinder the **** out what you're trying to present.
Meanwhile AtHombre’s retreat..


*TV is on. Club pullsinto the questionable establishment and begins to walk in as the camera slowlyfades to black*

*LuckyCharms commercial airs*


(Thinking tohimself)


"Man, Iwonder what Club's going to do. I mean, I don’t know much about royalty. But Ido know a thing or two about crowns. 1- They’re expensive. 2-You can’t refundthem. He’s gonna be pissed when he finds out he bought a crown for no reason."


*NTWT Rewindplays on the TV*

I'm already used to enemies. Everyone's gunning for my headand I don't even see anyone giving you any second glances. No one cares to..blah…bablawbablahblahblah.

Lobo: “Hmm..I mean. I hear him talking. But all I see isthis."

Spoiler [+]
I’ll get him back for his remarks. Heh. Yeah, he’s made an impact in thering. But he sure hasn’t made much of an impression with the Divas. I’ll neverforget what they said. Poor guy.. he's got a little deek


Spoiler [+]

As far as that TennHouse2 guy goes..

 I only have to do one thing to beat that guy. Hide a pack of newports and a colt 45 under the ring.It’s a shame too. These kids used to look up to this guy. Well, at least they have their codpieces.

Meanwhile AtHombre’s retreat..


*TV is on. Club pullsinto the questionable establishment and begins to walk in as the camera slowlyfades to black*

*LuckyCharms commercial airs*


(Thinking tohimself)


"Man, Iwonder what Club's going to do. I mean, I don’t know much about royalty. But Ido know a thing or two about crowns. 1- They’re expensive. 2-You can’t refundthem. He’s gonna be pissed when he finds out he bought a crown for no reason."


*NTWT Rewindplays on the TV*

I'm already used to enemies. Everyone's gunning for my headand I don't even see anyone giving you any second glances. No one cares to..blah…bablawbablahblahblah.

Lobo: “Hmm..I mean. I hear him talking. But all I see isthis."

Spoiler [+]
I’ll get him back for his remarks. Heh. Yeah, he’s made an impact in thering. But he sure hasn’t made much of an impression with the Divas. I’ll neverforget what they said. Poor guy.. he's got a little deek


Spoiler [+]

As far as that TennHouse2 guy goes..

 I only have to do one thing to beat that guy. Hide a pack of newports and a colt 45 under the ring.It’s a shame too. These kids used to look up to this guy. Well, at least they have their codpieces.

Spoiler [+]
*breaks kayfabe*

Okay that spoiler caught me off guard.

*reenters kayfabe*
Spoiler [+]
*breaks kayfabe*

Okay that spoiler caught me off guard.

*reenters kayfabe*
What does NTWT want!? *crowd responds: ______!*

What does NTWT need!? *crowd responds: ______!*

What does NTWT love!? *crowd responds: ____!*

Spoiler [+]

I'm bkmac, and I'm what the people of NT want, need, and already love.

You see, I come prepared to NTWT. I'm here with a mission statement in mind. I'm not just showing up like spena625, acting like I belong. I'm not here acting like I belong, because I know I belong. I realize you can't just appear and call out 4Wrestling. Well, you can call him out, but he will probably ignore your threats, he probably has kitty litter to change in his fancy Philly apartment, with his fancy Ikea posters and Overstock bed frame. Is it his merchandise profiting that he is using to fund his bachelor pad, or is he stealing from within? Now, I'm not a detective, but I know damn well I can figure this out. Before I stepped foot in this ring, I was apart of the J.O.B. Squad. The squads job was to serve and protect, and make sure everything we do was within the legal limits of the law. Well, something happened where I stepped over the line, and as a frequent watcher of NTWT, I knew I had to intervene and perform as if I had never left the J.O.B. Squad. And as you see, I'm not alone.


Meet my friend HEAD. Just last week, I got HEAD at a fleamarket. Getting HEAD that day was just like any other, except this time, I was walking away with a good feeling, knowing this relationship was about to be taken to the next level. And that next level, was NTWT.

See you all soon.....

Spoiler [+]
*Breaks kayfabe*

How did I do
? And mods, if I need to edit out the whole HEAD gimmick, let me know, PLEASE DO NOT BAN ME WITHOUT WARNING. I've had that happen far too much for my liking in the past

*re-enters kayfabe*
What does NTWT want!? *crowd responds: ______!*

What does NTWT need!? *crowd responds: ______!*

What does NTWT love!? *crowd responds: ____!*

Spoiler [+]

I'm bkmac, and I'm what the people of NT want, need, and already love.

You see, I come prepared to NTWT. I'm here with a mission statement in mind. I'm not just showing up like spena625, acting like I belong. I'm not here acting like I belong, because I know I belong. I realize you can't just appear and call out 4Wrestling. Well, you can call him out, but he will probably ignore your threats, he probably has kitty litter to change in his fancy Philly apartment, with his fancy Ikea posters and Overstock bed frame. Is it his merchandise profiting that he is using to fund his bachelor pad, or is he stealing from within? Now, I'm not a detective, but I know damn well I can figure this out. Before I stepped foot in this ring, I was apart of the J.O.B. Squad. The squads job was to serve and protect, and make sure everything we do was within the legal limits of the law. Well, something happened where I stepped over the line, and as a frequent watcher of NTWT, I knew I had to intervene and perform as if I had never left the J.O.B. Squad. And as you see, I'm not alone.


Meet my friend HEAD. Just last week, I got HEAD at a fleamarket. Getting HEAD that day was just like any other, except this time, I was walking away with a good feeling, knowing this relationship was about to be taken to the next level. And that next level, was NTWT.

See you all soon.....

Spoiler [+]
*Breaks kayfabe*

How did I do
? And mods, if I need to edit out the whole HEAD gimmick, let me know, PLEASE DO NOT BAN ME WITHOUT WARNING. I've had that happen far too much for my liking in the past

*re-enters kayfabe*
[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]*Camera enters a luxurious locker room in NT Arena. Inside is Mister916 dining on a steak and lobster dinner in his $20,000 suit next to his NTWT Intercontinental Championship belt.*[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]*Speaks in a slow and harmonious manner*[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Oh hello NTWT Universe. Welcome to my personal locker room that Method Man had built for me. You see, Method Man and all the higher ups on NTWT have high hopes on me after my impressive win at NTWTMania. I'm good and I'm only getting better and in no time I'll be a main eventer. I've instantly made the NTWT Intercontinental Championship the most prestigious title there is to obtain. [/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]And I haven't forgot you Deek. I'm fully aware that you still have you're number one contendership to either the NTWT US Championship or my NTWT Intercontinental Championship. I'll let you know that if you choose to challenge me for my title that you'll regret and will be wasting your great opportunity.[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Now get out. You guys are making my locker room repulsive.[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]*Camera slowly exits the room as Mister916 continues enjoying his meal*[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]*Camera enters a luxurious locker room in NT Arena. Inside is Mister916 dining on a steak and lobster dinner in his $20,000 suit next to his NTWT Intercontinental Championship belt.*[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]*Speaks in a slow and harmonious manner*[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Oh hello NTWT Universe. Welcome to my personal locker room that Method Man had built for me. You see, Method Man and all the higher ups on NTWT have high hopes on me after my impressive win at NTWTMania. I'm good and I'm only getting better and in no time I'll be a main eventer. I've instantly made the NTWT Intercontinental Championship the most prestigious title there is to obtain. [/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]And I haven't forgot you Deek. I'm fully aware that you still have you're number one contendership to either the NTWT US Championship or my NTWT Intercontinental Championship. I'll let you know that if you choose to challenge me for my title that you'll regret and will be wasting your great opportunity.[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]Now get out. You guys are making my locker room repulsive.[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 255)]*Camera slowly exits the room as Mister916 continues enjoying his meal*[/color]
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Jay Lethal is gone from TNA. Details of what happened are not yet available.

I honestly didn't even know he was still in TNA until he came out for the opener at Lockdown. I think he was either the first or second eliminated. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Jay Lethal is gone from TNA. Details of what happened are not yet available.

I honestly didn't even know he was still in TNA until he came out for the opener at Lockdown. I think he was either the first or second eliminated. 
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