Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

My dude HBK ruined this man :smokin

Vince ruined Bret..HBK was just his little puppet to get the job done..

bret is a boring, overrated, piece of pewterschmidt

C'mon man, Bret is a lot of things but overrated is not one of them..Dude is truly an all time great..

22 with the heel turn :lol:

He's been a heel..

The Masked Man finally dumped that super mark Rosenberg. But Cheap Heat was shockingly good this week with Coachman as a guest. He gave some solid insight to things in the company, past and present. Go give it a listen!

Link please?..
Damn @casekicks, wish I had known. The Target in between me & JDC had like 16 of em last month. They're all gone now.

@iHust1e E&C has gotten SO much better since the first one. The last 3 have been hilarious. The one that had the interrogation scene with Stardust had me in tears. The AJ super fans this week were great too.
Bailey and Dreamer 

'But I just met you' 
Triple H > Bret

On the mic, 100% agree..And Shovel is an all time great too..But Bret was a better in ring story teller and was better at match psychology than HHH..And Bret "made" more people than LeVesque ever did..Without Bret I don't think SCSA or HBK become as big as they were..They'd still be HOF'ers, but being put over by Bret launched both them guys into the elite level..
at least my patera gimmick is somewhat arbitrary, when i was first posting muraco stuff it drew no heat

but 22's gimmick is downright creepy & stalkerish!
and gene - who the **** knows but i suspect you aren't a 50+ black man either...very strange though

and the matches i watch before i post (as opposed to asking you to watch something i wouldn't) are maybe 10 years older than all yall wcw/attitude era stuff...which is also old news at this point so yes, less people in this thread watch 80s stuff, but some do - and its all old, 90s included

22 goes to the wwe hof ceremony but eschews wrestling history? that's bull****

and lastly, with the female avi's, sometimes its hard to tell if yall are attracted to that female or want to be that female...and i bet i'm not the first person here to wonder
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Caught up with SD

- Corbin washing Ryder and Ziggler coming out [late] to save him :rofl: :rofl: how fitting
- Must've FF through the reasoning behind Goldust & Fandango teaming together instead of R-Truth, but the Vaudevillians won either way. Have never really liked their finisher, but it fits their gimmick. I do think it's funny that they were faces their entire time in NXT, and were brought up as heels :lol: That's probably gonna be the only way they'll translate better to the main roster better anyway, cause that NXT crowd sometimes gives off a false sense of success
- Del Rio (once again) almost killing someone :x :x He folded the crap out of Styles with that inverted suplex
- Zayn/Owens extending their feud by match interference instead of trading victories. A foreign concept today.
- Emma with the world's great pin :smokin
at least my patera gimmick is somewhat arbitrary, when i was first posting muraco stuff it drew no heat

but 22's gimmick is downright creepy & stalkerish!
and gene - who the **** knows but i suspect you aren't a 50+ black man either...very strange though

and the matches i watch before i post (as opposed to asking you to watch something i wouldn't) are maybe 10 years older than all yall wcw/attitude era stuff...which is also old news at this point so yes, less people in this thread watch 80s stuff, but some do - and its all old, 90s included

22 goes to the wwe hof ceremony but eschews wrestling history? that's bull****

and lastly, with the female avi's, sometimes its hard to tell if yall are attracted to that female or want to be that female...and i bet i'm not the first person here to wonder

He is a huge jobber don't mind him
Bret isn't a fan of Stinko Malenko.....

"The next day I worked a Nitro match in Grand Rapids, Michigan, against pint-sized Dean Malenko, a second-generation wrestler who was a good, capable worker, although his style remind me of Cirque de Soleil - it was a little too rehearsed. When Malenko went for a standing suplex on me, I went up for him effortlessly in the air, straight as two dinner forks stuck together. Instead of taking me back for a simple back bump, Malenko decided to walk me the short distance to the corner, but he didn't have the size or strength and dropped me full-weight, crouching me and tearing my groin. I don't even know how I was able to bring myself to finish the match. I was in too much pain even to tell Dean how pissed off I was at him. Even worse, he dressed fast and left without acknowledging that he hurt me, or that has sorry. As well regarded as little Malenko was, I lost respect for him as a professional that day." - From "Hitman: My life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling" page 478.
Bret isn't a fan of Stinko Malenko.....

"The next day I worked a Nitro match in Grand Rapids, Michigan, against pint-sized Dean Malenko, a second-generation wrestler who was a good, capable worker, although his style remind me of Cirque de Soleil - it was a little too rehearsed. When Malenko went for a standing suplex on me, I went up for him effortlessly in the air, straight as two dinner forks stuck together. Instead of taking me back for a simple back bump, Malenko decided to walk me the short distance to the corner, but he didn't have the size or strength and dropped me full-weight, crouching me and tearing my groin. I don't even know how I was able to bring myself to finish the match. I was in too much pain even to tell Dean how pissed off I was at him. Even worse, he dressed fast and left without acknowledging that he hurt me, or that has sorry. As well regarded as little Malenko was, I lost respect for him as a professional that day." - From "Hitman: My life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling" page 478.

Thats where i draw the line dean >______
In honor of Jemele, a lot of nice foreheads up there but RESPECT KAYFABE!
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