Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Man. Watching a Raw from back in 97', the wrestling world was so different. They're elderly women in the crowd cheering right along with the young fans. For Stone Cold nonetheless :lol:
Man. Watching a Raw from back in 97', the wrestling world was so different. They're elderly women in the crowd cheering right along with the young fans. For Stone Cold nonetheless :lol:

Always think about that in comparison now. For a long time now they've made a full on assault of being accepted in the mainstream by going after kids and soccer moms, instead of making a product for everybody like they used to. Same as WCW. There were 5 year old kids all the way us to grannies going nuts over wrestling, and neither company had to force acceptance. I think the most embarrassing thing they've ever done was those million dollar give-aways. Vince was basically begging and trying to bribe people to watch. Talk about a complete 180.
What was your favorite match from the weekend?

Same question for @22stylez & Case Case

I didn't go to NXT but Nakamura/Zayn was best match of the weekend..

As for Mania I'd say the ladder match or the women's triple threat match..Aj/Jericho could've been MOTN but it seemed to me like Chris was a little slow and couldn't keep up with AJ..
Always think about that in comparison now. For a long time now they've made a full on assault of being accepted in the mainstream by going after kids and soccer moms, instead of making a product for everybody like they used to. Same as WCW. There were 5 year old kids all the way us to grannies going nuts over wrestling, and neither company had to force acceptance. I think the most embarrassing thing they've ever done was those million dollar give-aways. Vince was basically begging and trying to bribe people to watch. Talk about a complete 180.

Its pretty wild that when you create a universal product, the masses come. When you dumb things down, few come.

Goodness on this episode of Raw, King and Brian Christopher gave Taka pile drivers, one being a spike pile driver :x :lol:

I would love to see more wrestlers use their environment more often. Not to the extent ECW did. Looking back on ECW a few days ago, it was insane how much they would do in a single match :lol:

Flashfunk was a versatile dude.
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Have a homie that went to Wrestlemania, and this is him at work currently
"Homie" huh?

Ghost Peep rocking the Hunicara mask a work. 
Yes.  After not getting an offer for 12 rounds 3 and turning down that Dolph movie wwe studios and me not really on the best terms, but Wesley Snipes really push for me since he's a fan of my martial art fight choreographs.


Gotta cover all bases 
Yea, you know how Hot Boy Brenda is. If I type the word Monta he will be like 


Finally listening to the the Luke Harper Talk Is Jericho. One of my favorite guys 

Any other good interviews in the past year? Basically haven't listened to anything
I got you when I get home man
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They should put eric young and roode together as the new hart foundation

That other reincarnation was an abomination to the hart family

Need to bring in scott d amore as their manager too
I wonder how Vince feels about H signing all these small guys. I never realized how small AJ Styles was until he was standing next to Reigns at RR.
He tried out before but didnt get signed. I wonder whats changed.


I remember the excuse before was they have enough flippy guys

But with Neville not really panning out Haitch must've changed his mind. Ricochet has the better look & size anyway

Neville looks like a Wood Elf
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