Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Seems like the article made it seem some where in the 6 figures.while main rosters is in the 7 figures.is it that high? Idk,could be wrong.
Point is: It doesn't matter if they become jobbers or not. If you turn it into a WRESTLING show instead of a promo show then people start to invest in characters.

I think they need to take NXT style booking and a majority of the NXT talent and put it to use on the main roster. People start to care more about the matches and the people in them.

And you no longer have the same main event for 8 shows (Raw/Smackdown/Raw/Smackdown/Raw/Smackdown/Raw/Smackdown) before a PPV just to have the same match you did on the last 8 shows.
I said it earlier but they need stop bringing these old dudes in I get exceptions like AJ and Nakamura but you can set your talent back in booking only so far
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I really like Jericho/Michaels at WM19

One of my all time favorites

I've always hated the rollup finish, even though it made sense. I just can't stand those types of finishes, especially since that's been the WWE's go-to finish for a long time now
I've always hated the rollup finish, even though it made sense. I just can't stand those types of finishes, especially since that's been the WWE's go-to finish for a long time now

Especially in the form of a distraction. :x
Just finished the hall of fame and ric flair needs to be banned from all future wwe mics

he'll start telling a random story, then stop halfway through because it is inappropriate :smh:

just to let us all know how awesome those times were without having to be explicit :stoneface:

i don't like that game he plays
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Nakamura and Balor were a tag team tonight against Baron Corbin and Dillinger [emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]
they need to get familiar with each others move set before they can effectively battle it out versus each other down the road
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