Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

You are gonna defend the WWE no matter what

What's the point of putting a belt on someone who never wrestles or makes appearances? Instead of pushing new talent Vince just throws the belt on The Rock and Lesnar

Fanboy-ism at it's finest if you can't see that
Can't tell if you are serious. ME defend the WWE? Yea picture that. Me a WWE fan-boy. Yea sure man.

Them developing, or not developing, new talent is a different point.

I want to know what YOU would like to see Brock doing on a week to week basis.





You are gonna defend the WWE no matter what

What's the point of putting a belt on someone who never wrestles or makes appearances? Instead of pushing new talent Vince just throws the belt on The Rock and Lesnar

Fanboy-ism at it's finest if you can't see that
correct. This is as bad as Hogan in 2002
Nah SS last night was totally awesome man.

That RKO 

Zig new IC champ.

I liked everything except the flag match that wasnt a flag match
H bringing back prestige to the IC title :pimp:. I think Brock not being on every week is good, so people start caring about other titles as well.
it's quite simple; have him be part of a weekly story line and defend the title in matches

I guess wrestling is better when you don't ever see the champion on TV
I mean why do you have to go to an extreme to make a point?

Not seeing your champ every week can be a good thing. Especially when NOBODY can touch the dude. I mean why is he wasting his time on RAW? To wrestle and defend the title against WHO? Ryback? Cena? Orton? I mean for what? He just punished Superman. Why does he need to play around with Robin and the Catwoman?

Keeping him away from TV doesn't overexpose him. He is a big thing. The less you see something the more of a spectacle it is when you see it.

If they want to sell Network Subscriptions, make it "exclusive to the NETWORK" to see Brock Lesner.
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