Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Just from some of the things said here:

I don't think HHH will be in a match of any kind with Brock again. It just does not work right now. He fits in better with his wife harassing the other wrestlers. Besides, he would really want to be destroyed right now????? I think what people need to realize, even if we hate it, is that Cena was billed as the best thing this company had. If it was written as such for Brock to manhandle Cena like he did, why would HHH be booked in a match like that where in his mind, he is the best wrestler to put on boots...........

Like I said earlier, I can see Batista getting the nod next but a Cena rematch at NOC could be likely...........I would prefer RR as mentioned above due to the fact that if he goes with him again in four weeks, what chance should he have from a writers standpoint and why would they allow him to be super cena again like that????

Which brings me to next one. If anyone thinks Cena will be Jericho and just job to up and comers every time, then HHH never uses his shovel. I can see him do it for Reigns...........But he would not even do it for Wyatt and they are REALLY trying to make him a star too.

Daniel Bryan would be an interesting story..........but it screams Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker............It is like they will use it to have Brock become this guy that respects him in the end...........Can't go for that. Plus, Bryan is not healthy at all and they are leading everyone on like he will be back. I have said it earlier too and hopefully if healthy, I think a perfect sendoff at Mania would be for Taker/Brock II especially if you are able to book the rumble in such away to accomplish it and then Taker goes over retired as champ and then have a tourney for the belt. Rock vs Brock would be dumb......two part timers for the belt and what???? have the Rock win to go to Raw and say "Well this was fun again.." to then have some tourney???? rather it the other way.
I wanna go to WM31. I've always wanted to go to WM and I've always wanted...

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Since they said Batista might be back before NOC. (Possibly tonight with Guardians promotion being over) I could see them actually having the storyline in place for HHH to give Batista his title shot he was promised now that Brock is champ.........Only to be flattened too.

Draxtista needs to face Brock while rocking his Drax The Destroyer look. Would be piff.
I hope we don't get a bunch of rematches from summerfest on raw tonight. I hope this truly is a new era that the wwe is going towards. Hopefully the bad network numbers is a wake up call for the wwe to finally give the REAL fans what they want and not the kids. Kids don't pay to subscribe to the network. Adults do :pimp:
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I'm still wondering what Naomi did to get taken out of the Divas title picture...

Just to come back to this, I honestly think she just got lost in the shuffle and the writers got side-tracked with her feud with Cameron, which I awesome is over (??). AJ coming back, combined with Paige's heel turn seems like i just moved her out the way. Once Cameron tapped out to Naomi like 2-3 Raws ago, she should've at least been in a 3 Way with Paige and AJ, whether in a WWE ring, or a surrender ring.
after last night they have to make Brock a 99 overal in 2k15 no? i think itd be dope if he was and literally impossible to beat, like some kind of achievement/trophy if you can beat him.
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