Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)


Here's how I want it to play out..
5. Announce he's ready to face Bork for the title and film several vids of him working out and BL working out (Kinda like Rocky IV with Cena being Rocky and Brock being Drago).
Get out of my head man. I was thinking the same thing. Cena needs to go away. Hell, he might even need to change his body while he is out as some sort of "cleansing." Maybe lose 15 lbs. The point is to show that it has made him go back to the drawing board. Maybe even change his ring gear. Put him in some Khaki shorts maybe? But they need to show videos of him training and NOT just put it on the YouTube page and forget about it. Show them on RAW.

He needs to do all of that and LOSE to Brock. Why? Because he ain't good enough.

Then he should start "training" Roman Reigns since, "Roman has had more potential than he has ever had." They could use that storyline. Cena trains Roman, show those workouts. Hell make a weekly special on the Network of Roman and Cena training. 30 minute show leading up to WrestleMania vs. Brock.

Brock crushes Roman.

Then I am stuck........

Sidenote: Tricked my father. Told him, "Your man Cena put on a performance last night." Went over, showed him the Lesner match. That man was in shock. He thought there was going to be another Super Cena comeback. No sir!
nikki was looking super sexy last night, and this paige and aj feud......let me tell you something brothers.....:evil:
Just from some of the things said here:

Daniel Bryan would be an interesting story..........but it screams Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker............It is like they will use it to have Brock become this guy that respects him in the end...........Can't go for that. .
Good comparison Vince
i really like brock taunting taker last night that was great.

i feel like bryan could be a legit opponent because of his wrestling background. it would remind me of what i imagine that goldberg vs jericho fight was.
not against jeans getting the rocket strapped and being the 1 to beat bork after overcoming the authority. dude has stone cold potential if they have him challenge the authority (and no this doesn't mean kane).
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If Brock is gone 'til November, No Wyclef, that would mean the Intercontinental Championship could possibly start ending the show as the Main Event Attraction :smokin

Welcome to the Show Off Era :pimp:
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Brock should just challenge every champion and proceed to take all the belts, have Heyman as his tag partner
He could be the champion and give people a reason to tune in weekly

There is a reason the WWE is failing
He could be the champion doing what though? What is he going to be doing that is going to give people a reason to tune in weekly?
But how are they supposed to draw new feuds? Just have guys come out of the woodwork who think they have what it takes to bring down the beast?

While it could work, it, will suck. Even the buildup for this match was terrible because Brock wasnt on TV ever. The payoff was great because we all got what we wanted with an absolute demolishing of Cena (and props to him for doing the job btw). But how many other guys are going to be fed to Bork like that? We gonna get another Big Slow appearance where he is supposed to be some monster. Count me out on that one. 

WIth all that said I wanted Brock to win last night. And I posed the initial question weeks before the PPV as well. I just dotn know how it works with Heyman coming out every week to talk about his champion and thats it. But I guess we'll see what they have planned.
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And not for nothing. But arent all the titles supposed to be up for grabs at night of champions? If hes gone till November how are you going to have a night of champions in a month and your Main title isnt even being defended?
He could be the champion doing what though? What is he going to be doing that is going to give people a reason to tune in weekly?

You are gonna defend the WWE no matter what

What's the point of putting a belt on someone who never wrestles or makes appearances? Instead of pushing new talent Vince just throws the belt on The Rock and Lesnar

Fanboy-ism at it's finest if you can't see that
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