Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

-Following the brutal attack from Seth Rollins and Kane on WWE Raw last night, Dean Ambrose is missing after refusing medical treatment.

A new storyline on the WWE website says that Ambrose escaped and went missing after he received a Curb Stomp onto the concrete blocks. WWE trainer Dr. Chris Amann told WWE.com the following:

“As you saw during the match with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, toward the end of the match, Dean had sustained what we thought was pretty much significant head and cervical spine trauma, so as a precaution we immobilized his neck, placed him on a stretcher and removed him from the ring area and brought him backstage. At the time of bringing him backstage, he was responsive and was refusing transport to a local medical facility for further evaluation. He had removed the straps and surgical collar, said he refused to go and we haven’t see him since”

If they're writing dean off this is the best way to write him off. They still made him look strong in the end and made him look even more crazier after saying he just disappeared and refused treatment
For those saying summer slam main event was bleh. Y'all needa understand the story telling of that match. It told the story of a true beast taking down the "man" of the company. Great selling by cena and great performance by the ref. dude had looks of concern on his face and even almost stopped the match at one point

Excited to see how they book brock at NOC. do we get another squash match just to show how much of a dominate beast he is? And who do they feed? Not sure if I wanna see cena anymore. I really wanna see smooth orton against brock. Or even douchetista
Tell em.

People gotta realize that wrestling isn't all about spots. Everything has to have meaning. It has to tell a story. 
That fact that he just dissapeared is what's awesome. Some Jack bauer type ****. Gets shot and goes and hides under a bridge to fix himself up
I want dude to succeed so bad.

He's not that bad in the Mic like most say he his.

As far as that Superman punch..... Dudes needs to relax.

Yes he is. If Cena said the same stuff he says the way he says it, he'd get killed. For the two years his character was on screen, he was seen as non-verbal and all action. Him talking doesn't fit his character. It's worse when he's awkward.

Glad Ryback got a good reaction last night from the home crowd. He can be a decent mid carder but creative is too lazy. His bully gimmick was awesome.
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Dean gon come back with his face in bandages looking like Darkman when he come back lol. Hes gon look even more psycho
I liked those Darkman movies.

He should think his face is all disfigured like how kane used to think his face was.
Dean gon come back with his face in bandages looking like Darkman when he come back lol. Hes gon look even more psycho

If he comes back with a bandaged face gimmick :smokin

But seriously, I've been having so much fun with No Mercy for the past week, I hope 2k is at least half as enjoyable. I never played the first one last year.
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so u guys are hoping Dean comes back as Kane
-Following the brutal attack from Seth Rollins and Kane on WWE Raw last night, Dean Ambrose is missing after refusing medical treatment.

A new storyline on the WWE website says that Ambrose escaped and went missing after he received a Curb Stomp onto the concrete blocks. WWE trainer Dr. Chris Amann told WWE.com the following:

“As you saw during the match with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, toward the end of the match, Dean had sustained what we thought was pretty much significant head and cervical spine trauma, so as a precaution we immobilized his neck, placed him on a stretcher and removed him from the ring area and brought him backstage. At the time of bringing him backstage, he was responsive and was refusing transport to a local medical facility for further evaluation. He had removed the straps and surgical collar, said he refused to go and we haven’t see him since”

If they're writing dean off this is the best way to write him off. They still made him look strong in the end and made him look even more crazier after saying he just disappeared and refused treatment

This is good. Love it.

Show Off Era :pimp:

:pimp: :pimp: Best in-ring performer they got. Now they just have to get Miz outta the picture.
Finally getting around to listening to part 2 of the Shamrock interview on SCSA's podcast (word to DC)..Probably one of the best interviews Austin has done..So informative and entertaining..
LMFAOOOOO at wanting Dean to be like masked Kane lol. Hell naw I dont want that. If they do the face in bandages thing they should make him deranged and have him go off on ppl like Jack Nicholson did when he played The Joker and first took off his bandages. They can use that for his heel turn at least. But the bandaged face thing is a bad idea long term really lol
LMFAOOOOO at wanting Dean to be like masked Kane lol. Hell naw I dont want that. If they do the face in bandages thing they should make him deranged and have him go off on ppl like Jack Nicholson did when he played The Joker and first took off his bandages. They can use that for his heel turn at least. But the bandaged face thing is a bad idea long term really lol
Dean ' character is fine leave it alone , fix Cena instead
I doubt they'll have him come back with his face covered. That would be beyond silly.

For those saying summer slam main event was bleh. Y'all needa understand the story telling of that match. It told the story of a true beast taking down the "man" of the company. Great selling by cena and great performance by the ref. dude had looks of concern on his face and even almost stopped the match at one point

Excited to see how they book brock at NOC. do we get another squash match just to show how much of a dominate beast he is? And who do they feed? Not sure if I wanna see cena anymore. I really wanna see smooth orton against brock. Or even douchetista

This. Cena really did do a good job of selling for a change.
They aint gon do anything to Dean, it was just a funny idea lol. Cena on the other hand simply has to get more serious or turn heel when he returns. But they need to make another major face before that happens. And yo JayPesos you dont want it in No Mercy bruh
Are they going to make Migos lose to Reigns again at NOC, or are they going to go their separate ways? I want to see Migos vs Brock.
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