Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

@had pants  , please make a gif of ol girl shaking her head at the end. Sums up everything.

Miz the only dude I know that would smile after NOT winning the title.

@had pants  , please make a gif of ol girl shaking her head at the end. Sums up everything.

Miz the only dude I know that would smile after NOT winning the title.

You guys act like this is the end of the movie tune in to the final act at Night Of Champions. When The Miz finishes this jobber  off once and for all. The hero always has a low point but in the end they prevail.
side note.. the best looking 'new' belt has to be the IC belt. That crispy brand new white leather

The Miz made that gold dull has hell too lol.
You guys act like this is the end of the movie tune in to the final act at Night Of Champions. When The Miz finishes this jobber  off once and for all. The hero always has a low point but in the end they prevail.
Miz the type of dude who thinks he's cool and ends up looking like this:

This constant use of the MOTY phrase needs to stop..It's starting to get to the level of the "This Is Awesome" chant..You're better than that NTWT, so just stop now..
Thanks you for saying this

I think that was top 5 matches of the year so far tho.

wcw havoc 96 fired up
How did you like Ron vs. Malenko?

So, Miz won, but they still played Dolph's music because he kept his title? :lol:
Dumble DUmble E
@MeanGene - how you just gonna try and show up outta nowhere and act like your boy didn't get his *** whooped at Summer Fest?..

classic match by Seth and Dean....that should have been the PPV match but still amazing. These 2 are perfect together. Wish WWE would let them take it further and go even more dangerous with some big time spots
I am nervous about this. I don't want them to hurt themselves. Seth seems like he is one risk away from seriously hurting himself. I don't want to see them resort to so many gimmick matches. I want to see them have a solid, regular wrestling match. I would want to see them in a HIAC, but I want these dudes to be around long term man. Seth has been killing himself over the last year or so anyways man. He needs to chill out.

Finally getting around to listening to part 2 of the Shamrock interview on SCSA's podcast (word to DC)..Probably one of the best interviews Austin has done..So informative and entertaining..
Glad you enjoyed it man. I meant to go over to the MMA thread in the Sports Forum to let them know to give it a listen. I liked his stories of the infancy stages of the UFC. Also it made me go back and watch some of his Pancrase/UWF-I work as well. Solid stuff man.

Glad you enjoyed it man. I meant to go over to the MMA thread in the Sports Forum to let them know to give it a listen. I liked his stories of the infancy stages of the UFC. Also it made me go back and watch some of his Pancrase/UWF-I work as well. Solid stuff man.

I finished it up this afternoon and have been on a 3 hour Ken/Frank YouTube binge..I loved the talk about the early days of Pancrase/UFC..And I had no clue that Shamrock started out as a pro wrestler and went to Japan to work..I always looked at him as a MMA guy who gave wrestling a try because of the money..When in reality he's a wrestling guy that gave MMA a try because it was just a new challenge to tackle..Even though I still think he's a certified maniac, I have a whole new respect for him..
I think they are going to let Brock wash him again and give Cena a 2 month break...
Guess Cesaro's next feud will be with the Ginger

WWE Main Event

United States Champion Sheamus starts the show. Michael Cole is making a rare appearance on commentary with Byron Saxton. As we get ready for the first match, Cesaro makes his way out in a suit and tie, and takes a seat at commentary.


Cesaro puts over the WWE Network in over 170 countries, as Sheamus starts beating the heck out of Axel. Curtis battles back with a few right hands in the corner, but Sheamus hits the Irish Curse for a two-count. He tries for his Ten Beats move on the apron, but Axel drops down over the ropes. Axel continues his attack for several minutes with some pretty standard offense, as we go into a commercial. Sheamus recovers after the break and tries for the battering ram over the ropes, but Axel hits him with an uppercut, followed by the Perfect Plex for a nearfall. He starts slapping the crap out of Sheamus, who no-sells it and comes back fired up with clotheslines and running high knee strikes. Sheamus with a vertical suplex, followed by a shoulder tackle from the top turnbuckle. The Brogue Kick connects for the 1-2-3.


After the match, Cesaro gets up and takes the US Championship. He looks it over, throws it to Sheamus, and walks off without looking at him
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